Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/992

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1, § 53 TITLE 31.--$1{0NEY have the same `force and effect as though performed liy the Comptroller General in person. · S " (f) The Comptroller General shall rnake such rules and regu· . lations as may be necessary for carrying on the work of the General Accounting Omce, jncluding rules and regulations c0n·_ · coming the admission ot attorneys to practice before such office. (June 10, i’9?1,_c. 18, § 311, _42 Stat. 25.)_ _ v f e 53. Investigations, and ·rep0rts’ by Comptroller General.--

  • (.a) The` Comptroller General shall investigate, at the seat of

government or elsevnlhere, all matters relating · to the receipt, disbursement, and ai licatioh of public funds, and shalfmake to the President Wh;;§l~ requested by hifn, and to Congress atl the beginning ‘of_`eachH·egular sessiou,.a report in writingof

the work of- the General} Aecounting Ottlce, containing reconnmeudations concerning the legislation Ile may deem necessary

to facilitate the proinpt and accurate rendition and settlement of accounts and concerning such other matters relating. to the receipt, disbursement, and application of public fundsas-he may think advisable. In such regular report, or in special reports at any time when Congress is in session, he shallmake recommendations looking, to greater`eg:0!1omy or'·et‘1iciency in public _ expenditures. _ ,_ I ” Q · ‘ (b) He shall make such investigations and reports as shall be ordered by either House of Congress or by anyfcommitteé _ of either House having jurisdiction over revenue, approprla- »_ " tions, or expenditures. '.l‘he’Compt1:o1ler General .shal1'also, at l the request ot any such cominitteendirect Tassistdnts fxjomwhia mice to furnish the committee sueh aid and information as it_ may request. . , , ‘ _ (c) The Comptroller General shall specially report to Congress every expenditure or contract made by any departmentior establishment in any year in violation of law. ,` _ ~ ` (d) He_ shall submit to Congress reports upon the aglequney and eEectiveness of the &tlIllll1lStl‘21t-lVB examination df accounts and claimsi in the respective "departniexjmfaud __establishmei1ts and upon the `adequaey and 'etfectiveness /0t departmental inspection ot the offices and accounts of decal omeers. (e) He "sl1all_ furnish suéh information relating to e;pen_dl·· tures and accounting to the, Bureau, of the Budget as it may request from time to time. (Juue.10, ··1·921, c. ,18, S 312 42 Stat. 25.) .` _ I ~ __ ~. ~. — ‘ 54. Iniforalatien furnished to .Comptroller .· General by de- ° purtments and establishment¤.—·——All departments and establishmgxts shall turnislfto the Gomptroller General such inforxnatlo ~ regarding the powers, duties, aétlvltles, organization, `1lnanclal,transaetious,, and methods ot business ot their·rwpec— tive omces-as be may from! time to time require 6f them`} and the Comptroller General, or any of his assistants soremployees, . when duly authorized by- him, shall,._for the purpose of secury lng such information, have access to and- the right to examine any books, documents, papers, or reeords ot any such depart; ment or establishnient] The authority contained in this section" shall not be applicable to expenditures lxnade uinder the jprovi? sions of section 107 of this title. (June 10, 1021, 42. 18, 5313, 42 Stat._2&) S 0 '“ - ’ ; J _ . Z _ "55.= Eligible register for accountants for General- Aceounting O@ce.—-The Civil Servlqe·Coi11mlssion shall establish'. an eligible register for accountants for the Qeneral Accounting Omce, and the examinations of applicants for entrance upon such register shall be based upon questions approved by the Comptroller General. (‘J`une 10, 1921, c. 18, S 814, 42 Stat. 26.)' · · ` 56. Designation or ’§eraon‘ to sign, 1rarra¤ts.——-·{.l?he Oomptroller General is authorizeq to glesignate such person or persons lin his omee as may be required fromtlme to time to eouuterslgn lnhis name such classes ot warrants as he maylilrect. (Mar. 4, 1009, c. 297,,571, 35 Stat. 806; May 29, 1920, c. 214, 5 1, 41 , Stat. 647; June 10, 1921, c. 18, sem, 42 Stat. 24.) . ‘ . » 58. Leavm of absence; pieeelrnte employeeaw-·Under such rules axial regulations as may be pxjoyldw, niece;-tate employee! s

· IND FINANCH Q?8 in the General Accounting Olllce nnd the Bureau of Accounts of . the Post 0§ce "Depnrtrnent shall be entitled to the Same leave or absence with pay as is provided for clerks and employees in the executive depnrtmerts by sections 29· and 30 `ot Title The pay of any piecerate employee during such leaye shall be determined by the average Quantity- ot work done by such employee and the pay therefor. (Mar. 4, 1913, cg 142. S 1, 37 stat. 754; June 10, 1921. 0. 18, $5 304, 3 0, 42·Stal;, 24, 25.) . I Chnpter 2.--AUDIT AND SETTBE ENT OF ACCOUNTS. Sec. I _ _ l I n /x\ 71. Public ncconnts to be settled in General cconntl 3 Odlce. \ 7,2. Same; settlement oi accounts., · ‘ _ B o\ 73. Accounts of Post Oilice _Deimr_tnient; dutle of enernl Account? g » Odlce and Bureau of Accounts. ‘ _ \ 74. Suspension ot items; issuance of warrant; pr rrntion ot vouch-E _ . 91*8;- decision of questions involving pay e . \ 751 Regulations for cai.rry»ing out .provisions.· 76. Requlsitions for advances. . — Q. 77. Clgnrglng warrhnta to appropriation speci ed. ~ Z8. Rendition’of current accounts. ~ · __ , 9. 1{rnnemlssion of accounts ot courts in ska. to pnrtmenrot _ / _ O Justice. ‘ / . ~ · · ,//"*”"” 80. Adminlptratlve exnmjnntion of accounts 0 Army expenditures. 8].·T1'8!18lDlS8YQD of `accounts of-marshals. 82.. Administrative examination of accounts. ‘ _ 83. Administrative auglt of accounts under partment of Justice. 84. Rendition ot acco nth of omcenq of cou s. _ · _ ` A 85. Transmission 0{nccounts ot expendlt in Territories to Secre- _ tory of Interior. _ . ~ °_ 86. Accounts presented wfthout admin ntlve examination. 81. Knpors trnnsmitted with accounts t customs oQcer¤. 88. Reexamination ot disallowed cla s. · # r 89. Property returns b_y_ 0$eers. * _ \ 90. Same; certificate as to. losto property. \ 1 91. Same; manner of maklng. , · 92. Same; regulations. · Q 93. Genernt, Accounting Omcel superinteneling recovery ot debts. _ 94. Settlement of advance bounties.; l · 95.- "Settlement .ot accounts of Army omcers. 96, Settlement of overpnyments. _ ` 97. Claims for arrears ot pay and bounty already paid. 98. Same. "" .· _ j / » . 99. Amdavltd and declarations an bounty case; or clalme for*%ncl: my; certification ot omclnl `character and signature ot odlcer taking. 100. Claim agent withholding discharge papers. . 101. Evidence ot honoliuble discharge returned to 0¤cers and enlisted AMGD. _ Q Q ·` . IQ2. Payment ot claims for pg; and allowances. ` 103. Accounts ot Departmentn ct War and the Navy. _ . 104. Accounts of pnymanters of lost or captured public vessels. 9 105. Relief of dlsbnrsing omcern of Nav;. _ _ ‘ _ 1*06. Disbursetnenta by" order otconnmnndinz omcer of Navy. 107. Settlement ot‘ex.penee•_ ot lntereonrse with foreign naltions. 108. Accounting for appropriations for obtaining information from abroad and at home, · ' 509;.;Collect.lon of debt: due Boat Omce Department. 110. Suits on postrni1ier•’·b•n_ds. - 111. Accounts ot money-order business. 112. Accounts of expenses ot poetmnstere. ~ . 113. Accounts of expenditnree of Root 0Mce Department nnder appro- ‘. prlations.; · ” · . I F _ ‘ 114. Reports of llnnnclil condition ot Post Qhee Department. 115: Compromise of judgments. 116. Papers in suits for dellnquencles ln Post 0Mee Department. 117. Omcers authorized te aclrnlnieter ooths. 118. Oatlxs in settlement of DOI€¤}`B¢¢0\1¤t8.` 119. Allowance of `loat checks. M . · 120. Checks issued by Bureau of Pensions, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, _•-nd United Staten Veteran? Bureau, and for payment tot ndlaries and wnges;' clestructionsi claims on, dnrred. • Section; 71. Public accounts to be settled in Gmrnl Account- ` ing 0$ee.—-·-··All claims and demands whatever by the Goyerw ment. ot the United Staten or ngnlnst lt. end nil accounts. when everjj.¤»·w’l1lch·the Governmwt ot the United States ln cencerned; either- ns, debtor or creditor, shell he settled 'é@•rljmed ln the General Accounting Otllce; (B. B.- { %6; Jinne.10 1 e, 18, I 805, 42 Smt. M,). ** _ - . 72. Slmél IBUQNSMT of tc:¢0¤nt¤.·¥Aec0unts sllall be examined to tolloynt ‘ _