Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1049

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CONSULAR CONVENTION——CUBA·. Ami. ,22,-1926. .2479 tionals of the country he rep- nombre de los nacionales no resi- resents, receipt for the shares dentcs del pais que repgesenten, coming to them inestates or in las participaciones que s corres- indemnities accruing under the pondan en bienes testamenta- provisions ofrso-called worlrmen’s rios, o en las compensaciones compensation laws or other like provenientes dei las eyes sobre statutes. provided he remit any aecidentes del trabajo u otras funds so received through the analogue, siempre que remitan appropriate agencies of his Gov- los fondos recibidos de esta ma- ernment to the proiper distrib·· nera a los interesados por medio utees, and provided urther that de las autoridades de su Gobiemo, he furnish to the authority r or y que, ademas, suministren a las agency making distribution autoridades que hayan hecho la througlh him reasonable evidence distribucion por su conducto, of suc remission. prueba razonahle, de dicha re- mesa. Arvrrcnn XV. Aaricuno XV. A consular officer of either Los funcionarios consulares de °,gj"g§‘**,§,f,,;'},§,*Q,°§‘§,‘;';; High Contracting Party shall cualquiera de las .A1tasiPartes wleclwngsrorwnsor have the right to inspect, within Contratantes tendran el derecho °°‘"’"" °'°°" the ports o the other High Con- de inspeccionar, en los puertos de tracting Party within his consu· la otra Alta Parte Contratante lar district, the merchant vessels ue se hallan enclavados en su of any flag destined or about to distrito consular,·los buqlues mer- clear for ports of the country cantes de cualquier ban era des- . which he represents in order to tinados o que ·vayan a despa- observe the sanitary conditions charse para puertos del pais que and measures taken on board repnesentan, cont el fin de ob- such vessels, and to be enabled server las condicionesy medidas thereby to execute intelligently sanitarias tomadas a bordo de bills of health and other docu- dichos buques, y poder enconse- ments required by the laws of his cuencia otorgar con conocimiento country, and to inform his Gov- de causa la patente de sanidad y ernment concerning the manner los demas documentos requeridos in which its sanitary regulations por las leyes de su pais, einformar have been observe at ports of a su Gobierno resgecto de la departure by vessels destined to forma en que han 0 servado las its ports, with a view to facili- reglas sanitarias en los (fuertos tating entry of such vessels de salida por los buques estina- therein. dos a los suyos, a fin de facilitar la entrada de dichos buquesen éstos. Anrrcnm XVI. ARTICULO XVI. The High Contracting Parties Las Altas Partes Contratantes m§{,°1f°s°’;}§f §,Qd°§gj agree to permit the entry free eonvienen en permitir la entrada gal primerfy ¤¢ con- o all_ customs duty and without libre de todo derecho de aduana °‘ examination of any kind of all y sin pasar examen de ninguna furmture, equipment and sup- class, a todos los muebles y plies mtended for official use material de escritorio destinados m theconsular offices of the other, a uso ofieial de las oiicinas consw- and to extend to such consular lares de la otra Alta Parte Con- oiiicers of the other and their tratante, y en otorgar a los families and suites as are- its funcionarios consulares de la otra nationals, the privilege of entry Alta Parte Contratante, familia free of duty of their baggage sé uito que sean de su naciona- and all other personal property, lidadl, el privilegio de entrar