Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/11

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LIST OFPRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Il the rdid Shstllel Corn Pm. 8h•;$•ldC•••V . AnAct!br _ ·d d· pany,acorporaticncfAmerleus,

!&n·ou;;, 1927.. .... J--‘ ...,,..................................... , 1766

Har1yJ.‘ · AnAct therel1dcfHarryJ. Dabel. February9, 1927 .............. 1766 Agn••W.Wilc¤.’ AnAetFortherelldriA§W.Wilcox. February9,1927 .......... 1766 Predsrkb Marshall. An Mt Forthe relid of V crick Marshall. February 11, 1927 ...... 1766 Mary A., and James Albert V Joint Resolution To amend an Act entitled "An Act $•ntl:'gJ>ermiomandhcna»cfp¤¤iomtocertalnmldi¤sandm¤onoftheCivH ar, l certain widows and dwhndent children of soldiers and sailors of the said war,’ aggorgyed December 28 1 ‘ Februarypll, 1927 ........ - ............... 1767 Aleunderl. ¥::.AnActAuthoris·ingthepaymentofaclaimtoAlexanderJ. 'lhompscn. ruary 12, 1927 .............................................. 1767 Henry 8. Royce. An Act Forthe relief of Henry S. Royce. Febru$y 12, 1927 ............ 1767 Stanton and Jones. An Act For the relief of Stanton and Jones. ebruary 12, 1927 ...... 1768 Gordon A. Dennis. An Act Fortberelief of Gordan A. Dennis. February 12, 1927 ........ 1768 Columbia P. Pierce. An Act For the relief of Columbus P. Pieree. February 12 1927 ..... 1768 M one: Steadham. An Act To relinquish the title of the United States to the land in the claim gfggoses Steadham, situate in the county of Baldwin, State of Alabama. February 12, 1768 Gustav B. Hofmann. An Act To authorise the Commisicner of the General Iand Omce to V by sale of certain public land in the State of Arkansas. Februar; 12, 1927--- 1769 Maurice . Kim An Act For the relief of Maurice E. Kinsey. February 1 , 1927 .--... 1769 James Gaynor. Act For the relief of James Gaynor. February 12, 1927 .........-... 1769 Helene M. Hubrieh. An Act For the relief of Helene M. Hubrlch. February 12, 1927 .... 1770 Nocahe County, Miss land title. Joint Resolution To agprove a sale of land by one Mushulatubba or Mushulatubbe on August 29, 1832. ebruary 12, 1927 ........... 1770 Joseph R. Hebblethwaite. An Act To allow and credit the accounts of Joseph R. Hebble- 'thwaite, formerly captain, Cogrs, United States Army the sum of $2;.90 disallowed by the Comptroller Gene of the United States. February 14, 1770 New Bmunfsltlrerbionq Company. An Act For the relief of the New Braunfels Brewing Com§:ny. February 14 1927 .--...................... - -...-................ 1771 Russell W. 'mm. An Act F,or the relief of Russell W. Simpson. February 14, 1927--- 1771 Pennayleania ' oad Company. An Act To authorise lgauyrnent to the Penns lvania Railroad Company, a corporation, for damage to its ng stcckat Raritan irsenal, Metuchen, New ‘ ersey, on August 16 1922. ° February 1 , 1927 .....-.-........- 1771 Crane Cesnipony. An Act For the relief of Clrane Company. February 14, 1927 ..-....-.- 1771 Albert G. uhom. An Act For the relief of Albert G; Tuxhorn. February 14, 1927 ...... 1771 Willia1nC. Perry. AnActForthere1iefoftheestateofWllliamC. Perry lateofCross Geek Township, Washirigton County, Pennsylvania. February 14 1927---------- 1772 Czgtain C. R. Inalily. An Act or_the relief of Captain C. R. Insley. Fehruary 14, 1927.- 1772 K y Springfeld otor Truck Comtpffny. An Act For the relief of the Kelly Springheld ' Motor- Truck Company of C ' ornia. February 14, 1927 ..-..-.................. 1772 Bell Telephone Company. dt. An ·Act For the relief of the Bel Telephone Conipany of _ ¥hil§l;_lphia, Pennsylvania; and the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. ebruary 1773 I .. - - - - - ........ - ..... - - - - - .... V ............... - ...... - ........ - ...... ' Charles Hughes; An Act For the relief- of CharlesC.‘Hughea. ’ February 14, 1927 .....- 1773 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. An Act’For the relief of the Lehigh Coal and Navi- gation Company. iebruary 14, 1927 -...- - ----.....-... - ..-................-.. 1773 Pensions, Reyulare, and than Civil War. An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Re$1lar Army and Nay, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than the Civil ar, and to widows such soldiers and sailors, and soforth. February 17 1927 .--..-.--......................... 1774 Mary Moore. An Act For the relief of Mary Moore. February 17, 1927 ...-............ 1785 Joel C. Clare. An Act For the relief of Joel C. Clore. Februaryi 17 1927- .....-....--... 1785 Decorations, Chile. An Act To authorise certain ohcers of t e United States Navy to ac:-rtfromtheRepubBeofChiletheOrderofMerlt,£rstclass,andtl1e0rder0f M I}, second class. February 17 1927 .---.....-..-.........-................ 1785 Alavandsr cllaren. An Act For the relief of Alexander McLaren. Februa$‘l;1 1927---- 1785 Major Charles Beatty Moore, Anny. An Act Granting permission to Major les Beatty Moore, United States Army to aecegt the following decorations, namely, the Lemon (!H011G@DEOdhlH`1bit£O Repu licofFrance andtheoEoers’ cromofthecrder "Polonia Resdtaita” ten him b the Republic of Poland. February 21, 1927-- 1786 Dominic I. Murphy. An Aet Authorizing Dominic . Murphy, consul general of the United StatescfAmerica,toecceg;'asilverfnntbowlpresentedtol:imbythe BritlshGov- ernment. Februaryi21, 1 ..-...-..........---.--........-................ 1786 Ellis E. Horiny and Edward ll. Batchelor. An Act For the relief of Captain Ellis E. Haring and Edward F. Batchelor. February 23, 1927 ....-...-........................ 1786 Corporal Btees McNeil Parks. An Act To provide for the yment of the amount of an adjusted-service certificate to Irving D’Fcrrest Parc, bcnenclary designated by Coward Steve McNeil Parks, deceased. February 28, 1927 ..................... 1786 Elisabeth mn Act For the relief of Elisabeth Wooten. February 23, 1927- ..-.... 1787 Hunter-2gr¢;•67 pany. An Act For the relief of Hunter-Brown Company. February 1787 I •••••••¤•--••--•••¤¤•••••¤•••••-••--••----••••-•----------•-••••----