Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/12

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X11 LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. . P·¤·· Elisha K.H•nson. AnActForthereliefofE2hl1a ursoa. February23 1927 ....... 1787 H. W._Kr1•eger and H. J. Selmer. An Act For the relid of H. W. Krueger and H. J. Selmer, bondsmen for the Green Bay Day Dock Company, in their contract for the construc- §.a_:)1ofcer§t;irhs2tF?elb•rgssandad1·edgefortbcGovernmcntdtl1eUnltedStates. ’¤¤'! » --·-----·----·-------- - -·-·---..-.............. - .......... 1788 H. C.Brics•on. AnActA CourtofClaimscftheUnitedStatestohearand determine theclaim of H. C. csaon. February 2%, 1927 .................. ---- 1788 Kenlucw-Wyomi3n0il Companf, Incorporated. An Act or the relief of the Kentucky- yoming Compariy, ncorporated. Febrn 23 1927 .........,............. 1788 Homer H. Hacker. An Act or the relief of Homer H¤:rHacker. February 23, 1927 ....... 1789 Columbia Hospital. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the pay the Colum- . bus Hospitali? Great Falls Montana, for the treatment of ° bled Government emgloyees. obruary 23, 1927 ___,,____.,___,..,...,..._,__,,_______________, 1780 N anbnal arg; (i';;•7pany. An Act For the relief of the National Surety Company. Feb- 789 ruary .....................,,._,.__,,_.__,,___,___________ _ _________ 1 Capital 2§af§7 Company. An Act For the relief of the Capital Paper Company. February . --------.---·.--.-............................. - ................... 1789 George H. Cecil. An Act For the relief of George H. Cecil. February 23, 1927 _,.__,_____ 1790 Delaware Rio;4 Tiiaséilng Line. An Act For the relief of Delaware River Towing Line. Feb- 790 WU'! » ·------------------------.-.....-......... - ................... 1 Robert R. Bradford. An Act For the relief of Robert R. Bradford. February 25, 1927 ..... 1790 Leo J . An Act To amend the military record of Leo J. Pourciau. February 25, 91 ...........-........................................................... 17 R. W. Hilderbrand. An Act For the relief of R. W. Hilderbrand. February 25, 1927 ..... 1791 Oliver J. Larkin and Lona Larkin. An Act For the relief of Oliver J. Larkin and Lona Larkin. February 25, 1927 ...............................................,._ 1791 Riverside Contrachinq Crzgany. An Act For the relief of the Riverside Contracting Com- ·

 February , 1927- .................. .. ................................ 1791

Alfred . nd. An Act For the relief of Alfred F. Iand. Februarily 25, 1927-, ..-.-----. 1792 Margaret Richards. An Act For the relief of Margret Richards. ebruary 25, 1927 ..--. 1792 Rio Grande, N. Mer., ooerjlow damages. An Act or the mpayment of damages to certain citizens of New Mexico caused bylreason of artific’ obstructions to t e flow of the Bio Grande by an agency of the nited States. February 25, 1927 ----.-----....- 1792 W. Z. Swift. An Act For hereliefof W. Z. Swift. February 25 1927- ----.....----.-- - 1793 "Almiranls " Steamship. An Act For the relief of the ownerof the American Almirante and owners of car§ laden aboard thereof at the time of her collision wi the United States steamahip isko. February 26, 1927 ..--.---.--..-..--..-.--- - 1793 F. G. Proagzrotrr An Act For the relief of F. G. Proudfoot. February 26, 1927 --.---.-.-. 1793 Daniel S. . An Act To extend the benefits of the Employees’ Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, to Daniel 8. Glover. Februargig.6, 1927 .-.--.--....--..------ 1794 Carlos Tompkins. An Act For the relief of Carlos Tomg . February 28, 1927 -.---..- 1794 William H. Grayson. An Act For the relief of William . Grayson. February 28, 1927.-- 1794 Eustacio B. Davison. An Act For the relief of Eustacio B. Davison. February 28 1927--- 1794 Patrick C. Wilkes, alias Clcbourn P. Wilkes. An Act For the relief of Patrick Wilkes, alias Clebourn P. Wilkes. February 28 1927 --.. L .-....-...-..-....---..--.-.- 1795 Joseph B. Tanner. An Act For the relief of J,oseph B. Tanner. February 28, 1927 .....- 1795 August lliehalchak. An Act For the relief of August Michalchuk. February 28, 1927 -... 1795 Mary H. Dougherty. An Act For the relief of Mai} H. Dougherty. February 28, 1927--- 1796 C.P.Drw2¢<AnActFortherelief'ofC.P.D? en. February28, 1927 -.-.--.--..--.. 17.96 Mark J. ' An Act For the relief of Mark . White. Februaz 28 1927 --.....---.- 1798 Muscle Shoals, Birmingham, and Pensacola Railroad Company. An ct For the relief of the Muscle Shoals, Birmingham and Pensacola Railroad Company, the successor in interesgsoflglg receiver of the Gulf, Florida and Alabama Railway Company. Feb- 1796 Roswell H. An Act For the relief of Roswell H. Bancroft. February 28, 1927--- 1797 Citizens' National Bank. An Act For the relief of the Citisens’ National Bank, of Petty, Texas. February 28 1927 ..-................................................ 1797 B. A. Goldemooiser, Edith Furbash, and Horatio M. Pollock, Department of Commerce. An Act To authorize and direct the Comptroller General to settle and allow the claims of E. A. Goldenweiser, Edith M. Furbush, and Horatio M. Pollock for services rendered to the DT•.rtment of Commerce. February 28, 1927 ..-................ 1797 William C'. Harllec. An et For the relief of William C. Harllee. February 28, 1927 ...-. 1797 Ngigk yqgmbh, An Act For the relief of Nick Masonich. March 1, 1927 .-...-......-.. 1798

_ w, ma, ·A¤ Acc rm- me rene
or J. W. Neil. March 1, 1927 ..---.-...........-...- 1798

Elisabeth .W. Kiefer. An Act For the relief of Elizabeth W. Kieffer. March 1, 1927 .....- 1798 ,3,;,,,,,,1 3, Archer, An Act For the relief of Samuel S. Archer. March 2, 1927 ---.-...... 1798 John Cronin. An Act To correct the naval record of John Cronin. March 2, 1927 -..-..- 1798 William W. Green. An Act For the relief of William W. Green, warrant cheer, United States Arm . March 2, 1927 ......................... · ....................... 1799 New Amsterdam Lyasualty Compan . An Act For the return of $5,000 to the New Amster- dam Casualty Company. Kfarch 2, 1927 .....................-...-.....-...... 1799 Frank H. Wilson, alias enry Wencel. An Act To amend the naval record of Frank H. Wilson, alias Henry Weucel. March 2, 1927 ..-..........--.....-.-..-......... 1799 Farrah Dane Richardson. An Act For the relief of Farrah Dane Richardson. March 2, 1800 1927 -.............. .. ...--------·--- - -------—---·—----—----—--~------ - —--·--