Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1203

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1926. 2621 on April 7, 1924; ea 06tobei-23,i.1924,‘ o1rfApril.25,Z 1925, and on November 24, 1925, issued Proclamations extending the time for the establishment of had application of’» the coastwise- laws to theéVirgin:Idandse-umtsil ptemher, 30,1926. _ Now, rnnnr;roms,»1,»os1vn,o¤tm1ge;·rmsee¤t,tr theuunea ,,,';?:,°£%€ ttttméxs States of actingiundbn dndaby virtuerofethe authority con- §¤ggg7 to September ferreds uponmehf SBCt•iOlI2'lf»(if the abovemeintiouediAnt, do hereby Q,,,,,,‘,,_ ,_,,.,_ declare and proc aim that the period for the? establishment of an adequate shigping serviceawith the aforesaid Virgin-iilslandsx be fur- therextende from Septehaber.30,1926,~ to September=39, 1927; AND INASMUCH as=sthb·extensidn» of thecoastwise laws of the m$gg¤g°wg;;)tg;1¤;);rg3- United States to the Virgin Islands, as provided inSection 21 of the mv. ’ "Merchant Marine Act, -1920 ’? independent upon the establishment ""“' "‘ 25% of an adequate shippingwervice to¢suel1iisland;possession,·I hereby further plroclaim and declare that the extension of the coastwise laws oft e United- Statesto the»?Vii·giniIslands`is=d'efei·red from Sep- tember 30,·192_Gr,—‘to Se§sRe1nberr30,’1927.-» -,1?= 2 > » IN EOF,*·I=have- hereunto set my? hand and caused thelseal of=theUnited~S·tates to —~ · ··”r4 é Done at the/city of Washington this·_14ith~d‘ayro£;;1k11gust,iin the

   wr-of our· Lord, One Thousand `Ni1ie¥LHund.ted and

[smh]. · enty·Six, and of the independence of the United States of America the One Hrmdre ~and4Fi£ty-First- > » . . .. ._,,.CALY;N GQOLIDGE By the President; s · F YF i ill`.; { A ‘ LELAND ‘HARRISON, ` ·’-· V » M ‘ ii; Acting Secretary of State. » ‘· Br run .Pansn>mm·»pn5 '1‘H—E.··UNI'IfED Smrnsnos Armnics.


»WHEREAS, the President of the United States, under an Act ¢u§£it° R'°° wm of Oongress approved March 2, 1917, entitled "An,Act to. provide a ${,‘i?‘§},E’§§*;95,_ 01V1l'; government for Porto Vandlfqrwother ypurposeslysis au- thorized to convey to the Peopleof Porto,Bioo from timeto Itime, in his discretion, such lands, buildings, or mterests,,in.1a.nd or, other Eroperty now Owned bythe United States‘and· thotorritorial mitsof Porto Rico as in his opinion amnolonger needed fD!vPu1;poses of the _; ., sj _·x—J  ;·;¢·,¤*Y ·· i=;.r.v;’ _ WHEREAS, a certain portion of the San Juan `Military Reserva- tion the reservation of the Departmentggt Agriculture,;Weather Burcautsituated in Puerta de Tierra. City Sw Juan. Territory of Porto Rico, heretofore set apart for and overmnental pur- poses, aro no longer needed for the purposes of; {the States; and WHEREAS, such lands are desired by $116 I¤¤¤i°iP¤·li*·Y .0f SM1 Juan, Portorkico, in connection with widening andimproving a public road known as Ponce de Leon Avenue, the limits of ?1dt:1unicipality, and may be advantageously used by the;People of Or Im. ,_ -, Ntr . -» * `,··' `Q  : NOW THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the S&'{1`*_;*lyg{1¤*t;*¤{,g){g‘§·},=,i¤ United States, bivirtue of the authority in me vested do hereby mr highwaypurpose:) proclaim and ma e known that the following described lands, to be 'usedforrhighway purposes only, and subject to the conditions here- au;a{)tert(1:1£{ntioned, are hereby. transferred and conveyed to the_People o or ·co: · ‘ ‘