Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/14

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XIV LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. CGD¤|•••••ndANRo••. AnAotF thereliefo¢CGDuga¤ne dA.NBo••. . . . . or . . an . _ Mucha 1027---- -...-. .-----1 ..-.... - -... - .--.- - --....... - .-...-.-...---.- 1812 P•••••o••, ,¤•do¢her¢h¤nC•nlWar. !JlA¢tCr1'IlIu.D§P0lI10lIIDd1D¤!£d pe@onatocartain•oldia·aa¤dnilon.cftlneIlw¤alarArmyandNa _,andcertaln •oldknandaalka••o(r¢anotherthantlx•Civil ar,and to wldowagaucluoldien gndgaibngugdpoforth. Bambi, 1027 -----_--.-.--.-----. , ----------.-,--.. 1813 Wlll€•••H.H•d•q. AnActFor·therellefolWllliamH.I.lndea. Maroh3,1027 .,.... 18% Citinnanlilayhniaiagoanpa. ‘AnActI•‘ortherelie!cf¤ert£:noBeeracftheA¤nycf 1 "‘° U“"°" $34% $"‘°" i;.‘K”.Z‘·1"..¤"‘...3.‘...h·"2;,‘{.;"‘.;..b». ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ***21.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘· m' ' . oro. A o eq ownera title of

Bkte•tothelandinthec1ainn•e(A. Meroa¤dofAnthonyC¤npbellin

Jaokaon County March3, 1027--- ...-...- ----- .........-........ 1827 Ben}? . AnAct11?cttbc e¢ofBonWagner. March3,1927 -... .. .--,,-_-_--,,-, 18% Anay4;:•,¢c. AnActForthereliefcfcertaino¤ocr¤audfcrmeromcersdtbeArmy tl the United States. March 3, 1027.. .....- ,- .....-.....-...-.......-.--_-,.- 1828 Bomngaa, Sonar, P. I. An Act To provide relief for-certain natives of Boronpn, Samar, Phlllpp1neIalande,forre¤ta1¢:fho¤1se•occ11piedbyth• UnitedState•Armydm·lng the yearn 1000 to 1003. March 3, 1027- ..-...-.............-..-, - .-,..,-,--,-, 1828 Garjeld Haskins. An Act For the relief d Garield Hankina. March 8, 1927 -,...-.-.-.. 1829 Clnrlotz, N. C., Cl•asnl¤·ofCo••••r·ce,ctc.. ~AnActFm·thereliefoftheChark:tteChamber CommereeandCaptainCharleeG.Dobbln§ArmydiaburalngoEcer. March3,1927 1829 Sco1¤“05H." A.¤ActFortber¤el1cfo£theowner so0w65H. March3, 1927 ......-... 18N "8qua•¢um,"Steaa•er. AnAct Forthereliefofthe owncrofthe steamer Squantum. Much 1027 ............................................,..-.............. - ..-.- 18w S ° Bank. An Act For therelief cf Shadyside Bank. March 3, 1927- -‘ ..... --,--- 1830 K.I.¥'ard. AnActFortlnerelicfofK.I.Wax·d. Marcb3-1027 ........,...--.-.--.- 1881 W. Randall Spurlock. An Act For the relief of W. Randall épurlock. March 3, 1027 .... 1831 M. T Hrs. V. D. Tdlery. An Act For` the relief M. Tlllery and Mn. Y. D. . March 3, 1927 .-............. · .............-.......... ---- -.... ---- 1831 icky: A. AA: the of JohnfA. 3, g927& ..-...--. 1832 na ,d¤a••. or. ymmt c orpay,pcrao my on property ’andoth¤·purpoeeaincidl;tt»otheopcrationoftheArmy. Ma1xT’3,1927 ....... I 1832 William J. 0’Brica. An Act For the relid of William J.·O'Bricn. March 3, 1927 .-.-.... 1832 Albert H. Hooley. AnActFcu·there1icfofAlbert H. Healey; March3, 1927 ............ 1833 Pacijic Company. An Act For the relidof the aciiic Steamship Company, d

 M¤·ch3,.1027 -....... - .........-.-.....- ;---· -....-..-.- 1833

GilbcrtB.P " AnActFor,thereliefofGilbertB.Perkina. Ma¤·ch3 1927 -......... 1833 Niagara Machine and Tool Works. An Act For the relief of the Niagara Machine and Tool .Worka. I[ardh3, 1027 ...................... - ..-......-...... ; .............. 1833 Mas-ic 1’••r•a• Gunnison. An Act For the relief of Marie Yvonne Gueguinou. March 3, 1834 William F. Roddiag. An Act Forthe relief of William F. Redding. March 3, 1027 -....-. 1834 I’rankJ.Duy••..AnActForthereliefo(l‘rankJ.Dwyer. March3,1027 -..... - ...... 1834 Janes F. Hcdartby. An Act For the relief of Jamea F. McCarth;§7 March 3, 1027. ...-- 1834 8.K.Tnby. AnActFcm·thereliefo¢8.K.'1`r11by. March3,1 .... 4 ............... 1835 Thomas I. An Act to Thomas M. March 3,1927- 1835 D•Wi|tCaug atio•alBoak. AnA Fortherelicfofthc De it$County National W C|lnton,Illinoh. March!} 1027 ....................... .. ............. 1835 Savanna, ,Pirs¢NationalBank.AnActForthercliefoftheFiretNaticnalBank, 8avanna,Illlnob. March3 1927 ............................................. 1836 A, B, Canaan. An Act For therelkf of A. B. Cameron. March 3 1927 ................ 1835 §......"”"·Y.1i"** "‘é*°‘ "°‘“:i';“°‘ °‘..¥“*"A.{·l';1“‘%‘* .».‘§".§§‘.?·.l°%"..; ········· .:.;.1 ‘”" ‘ ‘ ‘ on n anla . or Fidelity

   March 3, 1927 ................................ 1837

United 8dee I' 0uaran¢y Campo;]. An Act For the relief of the United States A Fidelity and ty Company. arch 3, 1927 ............ - ................. 1837 Jo•€ah0;du•Ho nan. AnAetForthcrellcfofJodahOgdenHo6man. March3 1927-- 1838 RoyalHollas•d AnActFortherellefoftheRnya1 Holland Lloyd,aNatherlan¢k corporation, of Amsterdam, tin Nctherlandg. March 8, 1027 .-.-.......-........ 1838 ly-qE,K' , AuActFortherelle£ofIraE.K1 . March3,1927 .......- - ........-... 1838 Pra1•ldi¤1’o¢¢ Gunther. An Act For the relief of sranklln Mott Gunther. March 8, 1027 - 1830 CI•arlc•0.8ch•»€d¢. AnActForthercl1e£o(Charlc•O.Sohmidt. March3,1927 .-.--.... 1830 George Boiho and Company (lncevgrated). An Act For the relief ol George Bolko and Co y (lneczznted). arch3 1027 -.-...-.-...... - .......-...--....-... 1830 "!’herc•a,gm. An Forthemliefofwilllam J. Donaldson. March3, 1927 ........- 1830 ,r,c,yqbq-¢, A¤AetFoethorelie¢ofJ.C.Herbcrt. M•rch8 1027--. -...........-..- 1840 Clyijiqo Mya:. An Act For the relic! of Christine Mgatt. biatch 3, 1927 ............ 1840 ,wuB¤-au. A¤ActFortbcrellcfofAllceBarnc¤. arch31927 ................... 1840 Hellas Uada·l;.h%7Co••p•••y. An Act For the relief of the Mohan Undertaking Company. 1841 glu]; 1 _,_,_,_,_,,,,.--....-,. - .....-.--...- 4 ........--.-.-..-...-... Jane; Rubin;. An Act To credit the accounts ol James Hawkins, special diaburalng apnt, Departnant of Labor. Merch 8, 1027 .... - ...........................-.- 18¢1 8ha~n•a1•P.B·r ' . AnActFortherellefofBhernza¤P.Brow¤ing. March3,1927--- 1841 Lieadenaal Umm Garnet Hulinqs. An Act For the relief of lieutenant Commander Garnet Hullngs, United States Navy. March 3, 1927 -...................------- 1841