Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/15

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. xv han. James J. Burns, junior. An Act To reimburse James J. Burns, mior, for damages to touring car b Government-owned motor truck. March 3, 1 .................. 1842 H. F. Snider. An Xct For the relief of M. F. Snider. March 3, 1927 ................... 1842 Archie 0. Sprague. An Act For the relief of Archie O. Sprague. March 3, 1927 ........ 1842 John A. Olson. An Act For the relief of John A. Olson. March 3, 1927 ................. 1842 Henry F. Downing. An Act For the relief of Heniy F. Downing. March 3, 1927 ......... 1843 Fannie Kranls. An Act For the relief of Fannie ravits. March 3 1927 ............... 1843 J. S. Corbett. An Act For the relief of J. S. Corbett. March 3, 1927 ..... - .............. 1843 Captaioiglggrrnan D. Cota. An Act For the relief of Captain Norman D. Cota. March 3, 1843 John A. Binyharn. An Act For the relief of John A. Bingham. March 3, 1927 ........... 1844 Lester P. Barlow. An Act To confer authority on the Court of Claims to hear and determine the claim of Iester P. Barlow the United States. March 3 1927 ............ 1844 American Falls Reservoir, Idaho. An ct Authorizing and directing the Comptroller General GHBU¤i&Stlt&DOlI1&kBFIg€Hli60f%flZllD01AlmB0ft08110W¢f$1t'U0d1I· burning mts of the Bureau 0 lamation, Department of the Interior, in certain cases. h 3, 1927 ......,................................................ 1844 Alaska Railroad. Joint Resolution To authorise the President to pag to surgeons employed on the Alaska Railroad such sums as may be due them un er agreement with the Alaskan Commission or the Railroad. March , 1927 .......... 1845 Hrs. Patrick H. Bodkin. An Act Conferring Lurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear and determine theclaim of Mrs. Pat c H. Bodkin. Mirch 4, 1927 .............. 1845 County of Del Norte, Calif. An Act Authorizin the Secretar%§£lthe Interior to issue patent to the County of Del Norte, State of ornia, to er Island in Crescent City Bay, Del Norte County _Cal1fornia, for purposes of a cpublic wharf. March 4, 1927-- 1845 Walter B. Avery and Fred S. Cichner. An Act For the reli of Walter B. Avery and Fred S. Gichner. March 4, 1927 ......-..--....-..---.-.-.-..---.-----...-...-.... 1846 Lian T¢;y.1$n] Act For the relief of lim Toy, of the city of Boston, Massachusetts. March 1846 United States Housi Corporation. An Act For the relief of the owner of the ferryboat New York. Kgarch 4, 1927 -..- - --.----......-.-.------.-.-,-.-.--.........-.. 1846 Sioux Indians. An Act To grant the right and time for appeal to laintilfs in suit numbered _ 33731 in the Court 0 Claims of the United States. Marcg)4, 1927 ..--......... -- 1847 Lillse Evans. An Act For the relief of Lillie F. Evans. March 4 1927 ..-......,....... 1847 Katherine Soujherland. An Act For the relief of Katherine Southerland. March 4, 1927 .--. 1847 Pensions, Cunl War. An Act Granting pensions and increases of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War an certain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war. March 4, 1927 --......----..,-.,,.,..-_._...,._.--__. 1848 Katherine I mbne. Joint Resolution For the relief of Katherine Imbrie. March 4, 1927 .... 1973