Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1537

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mnnx. 2949 Pottawatomie Agency, Kans., Pile Power County Fair Association, , P•I•- appropriation for support, etc., of payment to ........................ 1845 Indians at ........... ; ...... 474, 953 Power, Elizabeth (daughter), Pottawatomie Indians, Okla., Citizen pension ............................ 1546 Band of, Power, Mary E. (widow), all claims of, against United States, not pension increased ............. - ..... 1678 heretofore determined, to be Powers, George D. (son), adjudicated by Court of Claims- 801 pension ............................ 1969 procedure, etc .................... 801 Powers, Russel Boyd, psmmamn warms, wa., p¤¤¤¤¤ -.-...--- _ -·-------------·--- 1781 unexpended balance of appropriation P°1l9"» Fmma P- (w*d°'”)» for support of, covered in ...... 468 P9¤¤1°¤ 1¤°1’€¤89‘·'1 --·------——··--—--- 1628 Poem, _Delilah (www), Poynter. 1{ebm EH pension increased ................... 1687 P°¤¤1°¤ m°1'€¤¤° ----—-—---—-·—·-—-- 1601 Pottery, Poyvez, Ruth M. (daughter), appropriation for study of processes, P€¤§10¤ ---·-------—··—·—-·------·-- 1850 etc., in manufacture of ..... 357, 1208 P'¤1'1¤ DQ9*»_ _ _ pm,] ,4,;,,;,,,, g_ (,,,;,30,,,), appropriation for devising methods for P pinion increased ,,.,,,_,,__,_,,_,,. 1657 Pmu Dddggoiins ----·---·-------- 519. 995 ou try _ . · apprdpriation for diffusing commercial 9**1181011 ---—·- -·-------~-------———— 1774 iréfcormatlon as to market priceséz 998 P1'g¢e}:;Ti;)g¢1‘t1¤ (10111019), 1537 9 •••••···•••*···'*'**•"" ! ------_--__•·—-_-—·—_----_--- rotary umm. rms w.»zs·. P*¤*¢· 4me Lam <··~*¤··>· deficiency appropriation for, expenses Prpirsjzz l;°?m ‘'‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1574 participating Ottawa, Canada,- 852 ° oxgucmued * 1511 invitat1on of Canada to send delegates PT15, Ju,. A ( . ‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ etc., to, accepted .............. 304 * . ’ 1849 dsiegstes to be designated ....... - .... eos PrPj’,”°}J‘;’;"2°W (da- ·;,;¢;_; ---—---—--—-- exhi it to be prepared for ............ 305 G {mich ‘ W ’ 1712 amount authorized to be appro- P pi, C " 1 "W ‘i; ‘ N ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ riated ........... - .._....... sos '“ · “1"“"‘ ,,1 ·» rdg"9·..A, Mé .t ,, Poultry Igeding and Breeding, may °g°:gtChi; ° r n ° 1802 appropriation for experiments in .... 506, 983 P Phcbe E ( ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘*"· "°*"°1°"· L°° J' my, sion increased ’ 1882 milita record corrected ............. 1791 ve ‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘ f' " Pouriel-’r§apti8‘a’ for statistics 1’°“"°“ —-·---------------------··-· of ........................ 149, mss P°wd°T’ sgml; égggesolgggn? and Ord" provisions for leasing deposits, etc., of, ’ y ‘ to grantee of private land claim, "°.:‘;."Lf‘I.a,£¥$’.*$.t‘¥.f*“,Z.?:.§‘;‘.’;“i%.N.;§¥.t wha; **¤***;*=·=*¤··*····*·=<·¤v·=y·=·* , facture or smokeless ........ 603,1285 p,,,,,,,,,,,,b;‘§r,,,,° §,,'°“,,,,,;§f°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘ 7 0 Powell, Carrie (widgw), 1856 appropriation for suppressing rabiegw 995 pension increase ................... in ......................... , Powell Celestia F. (widow) Prentice Sarah C. (widow) pension increased ...... ’ ............. 1 853 pensidn .............. J ............. 1952 Powell,_ Celia Ann gwidow), 1569 Prentiss, Charles, 1781 pension increase ................... pension ............................ Powell, Edward K., Prescott, Ark., payment to ........................ 1832 deficiency appropriation for public Powell, J una (widow), building ..................... 871 pension increased ................... 1574 public building authorization for .... 632 Powell, Mary (widow of Edmond W. Powell), Presho, Agnes (widow), P "°.“¢i‘°1'?r‘“°"2......”°“· ";7·»:‘v;‘r"22;"‘532 P "°‘$.“ i?°§°»3.‘°3‘ "a‘s‘...r.. ‘‘‘‘‘ ( ‘‘‘‘ as ‘ ‘53° ow ary ' eo o o n . owe , resi o nite pendion increased ............. - ..... 1717 Proclamations), we 0 Powell, Mary A. (widow), approgxéiation for compensation .... 305, 1069 pension increased .......... - ........ 1899 for cretary, and oflice personnel 305, 1069 Powell,_ Mary Ellen (widow), 1942 for traveling and entertainment e§:65 1070 pension increased ................... penses .............,,..... Powell, Rebecca (wigtow), 1554 for protecting the person of -545 -f637’ #46, pension increase ................... , , 193 Powelson, Mary C'. (widow), 1887 deiicienésy zppropriationt for Aircraft 1 3 pension ............................ oar expenses e c ........... 6 Power,_Alice L. (daughter), for preparatory commission for re- pensnon ............................ 1941 duction of armaments under.-- - 179 Power, _Aurelia M . éwidow), 1953 for expenses ofdsuitz to cancel leases pension increase ................... o o an .· ‘ Power Boat Routes, Postal Service, tion ....... B iff: 843 appropriation for mail transportation for rent of temporary quarters for-- 844 by .................... -..--158, 1048 amount authorized, for expenses under, Power Cornmission, Federal, ‘ to participate in conference on appropriation for expenses of ...... 310, 1075 limitation of armaments ...... 3