Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1538

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2950 INDEX. President of the United States—Continued. P¤¤¤· President of the United States——Continued. Pm- authorized to add described lands to authorized to issue Executive orders `Yellowstone National Park .... 656 permittingwsale, etc., for legiti- advance Lieut. Commander Richard mate me ' al purposes of nar- E. Byrd, Navy, to commander, cotic drugs in irgin Islands--- 1023 retired- ....... - ............. i. 933 make details rom Army, Navy and present Congressional medal of Marine Corps to Latin American honor for aircraft flight over the Republics to assist in military North Pole ..,., - ...... - ....... 9 33 and naval matters ............ 565 present Congressional medal of provide airspace reservations to be honor for service in Byrd Arctic set apart. .................... 570 expedition ................... 933 restore Commander George M. Baum appoint additional As istant Secre-· to specified place on list of Navy tary of Commerce ............ 573 commanders .................. 1103 additional Assistant Secretary of undertake construction and procure- the Navy .................... 767 ment of designated number of additional Assistant Secretary of aircraft for further increasing War- ....................... - 784 aeronautics in the Navy ....... 764 Cecil Clinton Adell, ensign Navy- 764 exporting helium gas without permis- Capt. Reginald Rowan Belknap, sion from, on recommendations Navy, rear admiral, retired ..... 354 of Secretaries of War, Navy, and Commissioner of Reclamation---- 657 _ Commerce, forbidden ........ 1388 delegates to Pan American Con- invited to address the American people gress, in Panama ......... - .... 384 on proposed bicentennial cele- Federal Radio Commission ....... 1162 bration of George Washington- 1987 Federal representative at negoti- printing ordered of address delivered ations for division of waters of in response to ......._.,.,,-.- 1988 Belle Fourche River, between issue of passports in insular possession South Dakota and Wyoming--- 1247 to be under rules designated by- 887 iirst lieutenants, Medical Corps, made a member of Sesqui-Centennial of to be placed on retired list ....- 1350 of American Independence and four members of the National Thomas JeB'erson Centennial Capital Park and Planing Com- Commission .........---.--... 327 mission -.....-...-..-.....-.. 375 to appoint eight persons on Commis- representative to participate in sion .-...-..-...-.......-.-.- 327 negotiations for division of wa- requested to issue proclamation in com- ters of Snake River, etc., among memoration of Armistice anni- bordering- States -..-..--...--- 831 versary -.--......-......-.--. 1982 retired Army oflicer not above to return bill H. R. 8513 relating to colonel, as brigadier general, Monongahela River bridge -.-.- 1982 retired ....-.- - -..---.--...... 1249 bill 3989, relating to bridge over three members of Vermont Ses- Mississippi River, at Minneapo- quicentennial Commission ..-.. 652 lis, Minn ....-.............-.. 1984 two assistants to Secretary of President ’s Aircraft Board, Labor- -.....----.-.--...--.- 1415 hearings before, ordered éarinted ..---. 1978 two members of District of Co- Presidio of San Francisco, alif., lumbia Public Utilities Com- portion of transferred to Treasury De- missionkpeoéigs counsel -..-.- 920 partment for marine- hospital William . telmann, ·band- purposes -...---....---------. 1378 master, a captain of Marine strip reserved to War Department-- 1378 Corps, retired -,,-,,....-.---- 1383 Presidio, Tex., call a conference on education, etc., bridge authorized across Rio Grande, to at Honolulu, Hawaii ....-..-.- 915 Ojinaga Mexico, from .--...-.. 202 foreign govermnents may be in- consent of Mexico required ..-.- ---- 202 vited --.--.--.-...-----...... 915 Presque I ste Lighthouse Reservation, Pa., create emergency board to investigate appropriation for share in road construc- and report on disputes between tion across .-..--.-..-...--.-- 1212 carriers and employees, not ad- Preston, Chriatofa (widow), justed under provisions of Rail- pension --------...-.------.--.----- 1568 way Labor Act- --.-..-.-..... 586 Preston, Parmelia (widow), designate delegates to Worlds Poul- pension increased .....---...--.-.-.. 1965 try Congress, at Ottawa, Canada- 305 Pribilof Islands (see also Alaska Fisheries three commissioners to cooperate Service), with Mexico, for treaty on use of excluded from fur farming leases -..... 821 waters of the lower Rio Grande Price, Anna E. (widow), and Colorado River --....---.. 1403 pension increased ......-.--.-..---.. 1667 detail Air Corps oHioers to duty with Price, Eliza (widow), Department of Commerce, for pension increased --........-......-. 1527 promoting civil aviation ..-.... 915 Price, Grace (widow), invite foreign governments to send pension ---...----.....-..-.----...- 1779 delegates to International Con- Prue, Mary N. (widow), gress of Soil Science ..-.--..--. 235 pension increased .-...--...--.--.-.- 1921 Seventh International Dental Con- Price, Minnie (widow), gress ....----........-.....-- 394 pension increased -----.-...-...-.... 19l2