Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/815

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T 3.-Les ndr1·nspuadan` ‘ ces to · 3. un- D°”'°" °‘ “”¤’°"’ bees en rebut pour qual ue carte 1 deliverable or any reason zhat- bm"` que ce asoitmdoirurtrkz ren- ever gpyees immédiatement au Pays ately to the country of origin. 1'|g1D6. fit .'·€.I‘»=’=:;.*. ·,` .‘>t` (lie délai de conservation des- The riod of retention of cor- °°¤•*"d“*'°”·°°° .l’° 7 corrsspondancesqgdtdées en ins- respon ence hsldit the disposal tance A la dis tion des desti- of the addressees or addressed

 res- ;§§·e¤r1¤l•i·;>li£{¤•;ry¥’ is govexgngd by

4 taata ·est’ r€gl6· d··= q». ' '··= awa . coun -o t1- ticsi du»—Puys=»i:e; destindtionr nation. However, Sigh peariod Toutsfois, ce_ délai ne peut dé- may_not egrceed six months _in

   dash     w1th£1q8ve;seat;i•i’un$es

2·: ya.: ‘ ·.an- mon morta- deux inoisvdsns rela·e tions., _ The return to the country tions. Le renvoi au pays/d’ori-·. of origin must take lfplace within gine doit avoir lieu dans un délai a shorter period ' the sender plus court, siZl’exp6diteur l’a de- has so requested by a notation in mandé-par·une_ annotation sur la the addressin alanguage known

 erA°un•langue·connue lh the country of destination. ·

M Q· wh I , , V ` w Ma.-·-Iie•=’lixn»p1-imesv d6nué•·= de 4. Prints without value are not Pri¤¤vith¤utv¤1¤¤· valeur ne sont pas rmvoyés, a returned, unless the sender by mouse que .l'envoyqur.,rpa1· une a notation on the outside oi the annotation &<l’ext6neur ¤d• l'en- article, requests the return. voi, n’en ait dezplgnde le retour. 5 The ord deh 0 I d H _ 5_ . ‘ _— _, _ N cn 'v " euega e very mw grams r vmwis ss. us. charge lpmuiod by mugs °"!3&..·‘?‘¤·»3»"¥’“°""°·

 pas ’objst_en cas de r6expé— does not follow the article in case-

dition ou de mise en rebut. . pf redgection or return as unde- . · · ‘ · V · · ivera e. ‘ 6.·•-La tue com lémentaire 6. The additional charge ti R°°¤*¤°' =¤•°‘·'°·· stipug: a l’arti1c1•·40!? {(113, rsste ulated by glrticlgl 40, Sectioli gg u'.lr»i·l°;ii°2li°¢b. emgi en e1·éexJ>é'tiono remainscoectieinc de mise eiiwrebut ’un envoli redirection or return asmullndg- expres. 4 ~ ‘ livezlable of a special delivery arti e. · ,Am·rcr.n 47. Airrrom 47.

 Ivnquiries. I¤¤°**’*°•-
 reclamation de tout en- 1. An inquiry as to the dis- F"' °“°‘°""°‘

voitpeut donner lieu a la per- posal made of anly article may cep on droit ilxe d’un franc $$ 3 the co ection of a fee au . `T ‘ , ` i ‘ a ranc maximum. En caqiniiconceme les envois As for registered articles, no recommand6s,_aucun droit_n’est fee is collected if the sender has

 si   a deja pac- already paid the special fee for a

quitt% special pour un return receipt. avise V on. . 4 ` '2.eLes i·gclaxn•{tions` ne sont ‘ _2. _Inq|_qi1·ies are admitted only '*`*¤*•"’°‘“°’· admisesque dans‘1e_d5lai;d_’un an vnthm e period of one year, A lcompter du lendemam du counting from the day following depot; 4 7 ‘ ’ that of