SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. II. CHs. 114, 122, 126, 130. 1929. 1145 such withdrawals heretofore or hereafter made, but any mineral loca- tion or entry made hereunder shall be in accordance with such rules, regula tions, and r estric tions as may be pre scribe d by t he Sec retary of the I nterior ." Approved, January 29, 1929 . 30, CHAP . 122.-An Act For the exchange of lands adjacent to national forests Ja nuar y [S . 15i1i .] 1
1 in Montana.
[Pu blic , No . 694.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the provisions Nati onal fore sts . Lands in Montana of the Act of March 20, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes at Large, page within mi les thereof, 465) , en title d "An Act to c onsol idate nat ional fore st l ands, are ma y be 4acquire . hereby extended to include any suitable lands in the State of Mon- tana situated within six miles of a national forest boundary . Lands conveyed to the United States under this Act shall, upon acceptance of title, become parts of the national forest nearest to which they are situated. Approved, January 30, 1929 . CHAP . 126.-An Act To amend section 279 of the Judicial Code . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 279 of the Judicial Code (section 416, Title 28, United States Code) be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows " Writs of venire facias, when directed by the court, shall issue from the clerk's office, and shall be served and returned by the mar- shal or by his deputy ; or, in case the marshal or his deputy is not an indifferent person, or is interested in the event of the cause, by such fit person as may be specially appointed for that purpose by the court, who shall administer to him an oath that he will truly and impartially serve and return the writ. Any person named in such writ by direction of the court may be served by the marshal mailing a copy thereof to such person commanding him or her to attend as a j uror a t a ti me and place desig nated therein , whic h copy shall be regis tered and deposite d in the post off ice addre ssed to s uch perso n at his or her usual post-office address . And the receipt of the person so addressed for such registered copy shall be regarded as personal service of such writ upon such person, and no mileage shall be allowed for the service of such person . The postage and registry fee shall be paid by the marshal and allowed him in the settlement of his January 31, 1929. [H. R . 14150 .] [Public, No . 695 .] Judicial Co de . Vol . 36, p. 1165, amended . U. S. Code, p. 912. Jur ors . Writs of venire facias . Ser vice and retu rn by marshal . By registered mail to party acc epted. Receipt deemed pe r- sonal service. acc ounts ." Approved, January 31, 1929 . CHAP . 130 .-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to donate February 2, 1929 . [H . R .14452 .] to the city of Oakland, California, the United States Coast Guard cutter Bear . [Public, No. 696.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to donate, without expense to the United States, to the city of Oakland, California, the historic Coast Guard cutter Bear, for museum and exhibition purposes with- out charg e for admiss ion . Approved, February 2, 1929 . ƒBear, ,, Coast Guard cutter. Donated to Oakland, Calif .