Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1478

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1427 southwest quarter section 3, south half northeast quarter, south half section 4, lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, section 7, northeast quarter, southwest quarter, north half southeast quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter section 8, sections 9 and 10, northeast quarter northeast quarter, west half northwest quarter, southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter, southeast quarter southeast quarter section 11, north half northwest quarter, southwest quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, southeast quarter section 12, sections 13 to 36, inclusive, township 14 north, range 7 west ; lots 1, 2, west half sec tion 4, section 24, sout h half s outhwest quarter section 32 town - ship 14 north, range 8 west ; sections 5 to 8, inclusive, west half sec- tio n 17, se ction 18 , west h alf nort heast qu arter, n orthwest quarter , southeast quarter, section 20, northeast quarter section 29, township 14 north, range 9 west ; section 2, southwest quarter northeast quar- ter, lot 4, south half northwest quarter, southeast quarter section 4, section 10, north half, north half south half, all section 12, east half, east half west half and southwest quarter southwest quarter section 24, south half south half section 26, southwest quarter northeast quarter and south half section 30, north half and southwest quarter sec tion 32, east ha lf north east qua rter, so uthwest quarter northeas t quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, and south half sec- tion 34, township 14 north, range 10 west ; southwest quarter north- east quarter, west half, west half southeast quarter section 18, north half, north half southwest quarter section 30, township 15 north, range 5 w e s t ; lot 2, west half, we st half southeas t quarter, south east quarter southeast quarter section 2, sections 3 to 6, inclusive, north- east quarter, lots 1 and 2, east half southeast quarter section 7, sec- tions 8 to 11, inclusi ve, west half no rtheast quarter, west half, sout h- east quarter section 12, sections 13 to 17, inclusive, east half east half section 18, east half, lots 2, 3, and 4, section 19, sections Am endment 20 to 28, inclusive, north half, north half south half section 29, northeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter section 30, sections 33, 34, and 35, township 15 north, range 6 west ; lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, section 2, lots 1 to 14, inclusive, east half southwest quarter section 6, township 15 north, range 7 west ; southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter section 2, sections 3 to 10, inclusive, south- w est quarter northwest quarter and southwest quarter section 12, sections 14 to 22, inclusive, sections 26 to 34, inclusive, township 15 north, range 8 west ; all township 15 north, range 9 west ; sections 1 to 5, inclusive, northeast quarter, north half southeast quarter, southeast quarter southeast quarter sec ti on 6, northeast qu ar ter northeast quarter, south half northeast quarter, northeast quarter southwest quarter, lo ts 5, 6, and 7, northwest quarter southeast quarter, section 7, lot 4, north half, east half southwest quarter, southeast quarter, section 8, sections 9 to 15, inclusive, east half, southwest quarter section 17, sections 20 to 28, inclusive, north half, northeast quarter southwest quarter, southeast quarter lots, 3 and 5, se ction 29 , east h alf nort heast qu arter, s outheast quarter southea st qu arter se ction 32 , sectio ns 33 to 36, inc lusive, township 15 nort h, r ange 1 0 wes t ; east half, east sout hwest quarter an d lot 3, section 2, we st half section 4, west half nor theast q uarter, northwes t quarte r, northwest quarter southwest qua rt er, northwest quarter southeast quarter section 12, township 15 north, range 11 west, all Montana base and meridian . SEc. 2 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to con- Stock-raising entries y


on la nds herei herein, prior sider and allow applications affecting any lands described in this t oApri 11,1 926,a llow ed . Act which were filed prior to April 1, 1926, under the Stock Raising vol . 30,1, .,362 . Homestead Act of December 29, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes, pa ge 869 4). Approved, March 1, 1929 .