Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1561

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1510 construction of the chapel to be prepared in the Office of the Super- vising Architect of the Treasury Department, and the work of constructing said chapel to be supervised by the field force of said Re imburs ement of office~ if practicable : And provided further, That the proper a ro- afiice expenses fro m donated funds . priation for the support and maintenance of the Office of the Super- vislng Architect be reimbursed from said donated funds for the cost of preparing such plans, drawings, specifications, and estimates for the afores aid work and the supervisi on of the cons truction of said cha pel . Approved, March 2 , 192 9 . March 2, 1929 . [S . 5677.] [Public, No. 954.] Perdido Bay, Fla . and Ala. Bridge across, Lillian, Ala ., to Cummings Point, Fla ., may be ac- quired by counties of Eseambia or Ba ldwin, or F lorida and A la- bama . Vol . 44, p. 1266, amended. Tra nsfers au thorized, if acquired by counties or States . Construction, etc . Vol . 39, p. 236. Amendment . March 2, 1929 . [S. 5824.] CHAP. 529 .-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois ublic, No . ss5 .] to construct a bridge across the Little Calumet River at or near Ashland Avenue, in Cook County, State of Ill inois . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Illinois Calumet River . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent llinois may bridge, at Ashland Avenue, of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Illinois, to construct, cook County . maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Little Calumet River, at a point suitable to the interests of naviga- Co nstruc tion . tion, at or near Ashland Avenue in said county and State, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC . 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, March 2, 1929 . Vol.34,p. 84. Amendment . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs . 527-529 . 1929 . CHAP. 528.-An Act To amend section 2 of the Act, chapter 254, approved March 2, 1 927, enti tled "An A ct a uthor izing the coun ty of Esca mbia , Flo rida, and/or the county of Baldwin, Alabama, and/or the State of Florida, and/or the State of Alabama to acquire all the rights and privileges granted to the Perdido Bay Bridge and Ferry Company by chapter 168, approved June 22, 1916, for the construction of a bridge across Perdido Bay from Lillian, Alabama, to Cummings Point, Florida ." Be it e nacted by the Senate and Ho use of Repres entatives of t he United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of the Act, chapter 254, approved March 2, 1927, entitled, "An Act authorizing th e county of E scambia, Flor ida, and/or th e county of Baldwin, Alabama, and/or the State of Florida, and/or the State of Alabama to acquire all the rights and privileges granted to the Per- dido Bay Bridge and Ferry Company by chapter 168, approved June 22, 1916, for the construction of a bridge across Perdido Bay from Lillian, Alabama, to Cummings Point, Florida," be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows "SEC . 2 . If the rights and privileges granted by said Act approved June 22, 1916, shall be acquired by any one or more of the counties or States designated in section 1 of this Act, it or they are authorized to trans fer and assign all s uch rig hts and privi leges t o eithe r or both of the counties or either or both of the St ates mentione d in said section 1, or to the highway commissioners or departments or other public agency of either or both of said States, but any bridge con- str ucted or reco nstructed und er authority o f said Act of June 22, 191 6, shall be m aintained and operated in a ccordance wit h all the terms, provisions, and conditions of said Act ." SEC . 3 . The r ight to alter , amend, or re peal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, March 2, 1929 .