Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1913

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INDEX. JI.wu. a- NW., D. C., . 1'.... appropriation for paving, etc., Eighth to NiDth 8keeU;;trom guoUne tax fund ____________ :. . __ oi_____ W Jim,.. BaM,U•••Hl,.'.... . au~ to attend Confederate VMeI'-

. &lie' Beuniona.tLittJel\ocik,Arit_ 483

.~tionfol'~_______ 483 at O&arfotte..N. C __ __ _ .. _... __ .. ___ _ 1150 appropriation authorized f.· u- . ~add1tionaltomgularpay, etc_________________ _________ 1151 JlGriu'C""" L;. .. . appropriatlon. far officera, acUt. lIBt, pay and aIlowaaa08 _______ . . .. _ 1_ for .......1IC8 allowa.lice .. _.:;.. __ .. 6 38, 1.00 for. _W aIlowanoe_ ..·__ _ _ .: .. .. ... .. .. . ,638, 1486 fo~"""o£,oftite,. OD.mtired. tiat_ ;638, 1486 for JMoY ~ eDlieted.· men. etc_____ .6 38, 1486 IIIIDWanee for 10dsiD8 .and IIUb- . ~noe__________________ N639,1467 fOffttired4lll1ieted·JDen.. __ ;'"- __ _ •· 639, 1467 for.uadrawnelotbio~ ___ .... _. ;. ~ ___ 639,1467 for·01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC).1467 for blileep. etc.. to ofticera withoufi Voope,, __ ---... ------------.. ·639, 1467 to eoD8titute one fund________ ~39, 1467 for civU foroe-...... __ .;. __ \._;._ .. ~_ 638, 1m hWllber.. ~ euJj.aed mel\ M' bead- quanel'll not' to be iacre...d; vacanoiet ~ be 61Jed by civil1aJla.. 639, . .,.~ ...... 14.67 for' peeral~___ .. _.... __ .:.. ,; 639, 1467 . forprovieloDe,.etc______________ ,,·639, 1467 for clothing for enUeted men_____ 639, 1467 f~tueIi ••J'" tit oIIoIn____ ,~1467 .. "<lrmiUt&ry ll1~etc ________ 639,1437 for traD8~rtation and recrui.... 169, 1467 ~"1Jl G8lcera and·eDlided


._ ,meIL.__ • ________________,. .639,1467 f~' npaire;.,~. to b6rraeb; .... . etc______·___ .. .. . __ · ;.; _ .. ___ _ .. _.. >640, 1468 .forforate, .: . ___ . . ___ . . _____ ;..640, 1468 for OIIIl1IInpR.'apeDI!8L. __ _ _ - ' - ___ ~, 1468 vehiclel, bones, etc__________ 610.1468


funeral ........ ~. officei'll and· enUstedmen______________ 640; 1468 ~.:_ .. .;..• __ .... _.;.... _______ e.o, 1468 .em.ergeDc~ etc___________ ~_ 640, ]468 .' ~ ,"hielea___ . 040, 1468 for c1eri_~....Jield eervioe_ MO,I468 for Marine.COrpa lWIerve______ MO,I468 deficiency. !'Ppropriation. for armed griardIi. for protection of maIlI_ _ 25 for u~ODU'1 fotceI in Nioaragu& andCbina___________________ 25 for pay_________ • __ _ . ; .__ __________ 25, 4..2, 4f. ~. 909, 9M, 1618, 1621, 1671 for pDeral upe___._.. _~ ______ .__ 25, 4..2-k~_~ 9M, 1618, 1621 for ~• .LJePIIC"ment____ 48. 934,1618,1621 for IIllleaae. etc________________ 909, 1649 for proviBlOns_____________________ 909 for clotbfng_ _ _____________ __ _____ 909 for fuel__________________________ 909 fOl' eupplieB, etc_ _______________ __ 909 for ~ repairI_______________ 909 for ~Ianeous supplies and ex- ~----------------------- 909 for ftIIeI'M aUppliea; reappropriation_ 909 for travel allowance, enUeted. men on ~harge____________________ 1649 for pmeralexpeDllll, additional, 1929_ 1649 Marl,.. Corpt-Continued. P..,. deficiency appropriation for PJ'(\Viaionll, . 1929_.:.______________________ ·1649 'f~ olotbin" 1929_________________ 1649 for fuel. 1~_____________ • _______ . 1649 fOl'lupplies,,etc.,I929 _______·___ ___ 1649 for nendtiDL _ .. "xpe1l8e8o 1~9__ 1649 fdr repaira ol'barracks; UI2V________ 1649 for forap, 195_.... ____________ '-___ 1&49 for mleceJlantlOUS SUppUei and ex- for cr:;i':~Jo929_.-~-ii29::: ~= double pension ~wect. for death or die- abilit7 fllCa aviation. duty _ ____ 1'36 members of, diIIcha.rged for fraudulently DUNpreeentfn&..ase onenliating, durinc World War. may be eon- 1Iidered. honorably diecharpd_ _ _ 1084 Jiari,.. Corpe Ellene" appropriatioa for upeDMII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 639, 1467 mil.., to be paid formEll'oBicere of, for travel to their homes, when :re- leaeed from active du'Y. etc.• at other places__________________ 1556 applicable obly to re1euee prior to July 1, 1922__________________ 1556 retainer pay dabu accruin, prior to July 1. 1921. to be filed within one'year______ ~. ______ .________ 1090 no achrant'epayaroent, for perfol1DaDCe of drill-, u.niform cra.tuit,. etc., ac~ subeequent to July 1, 1925, unleae·daim Aled within three yeai'll from the quarter in . which accrued __________ " _ _ __ _ 1090 Iilari,.. H~ (,. olio Public Health Service. Treasury Department). appropriation for Boston. Mall.. 1m.. fOJ: lc:V:!:;~;iDipj.;vTarmstroBot (talk): ~~g for Philadelphia, PL, remodeling, etc__________________________ ISO for San FrancilOo, Oa.lil •• erectioD of general hoa])itaL_____________ 181 for Galveeton, Tex_______________ 1042 for New Orleaua. La, building,----- 1043 for San Francisco, Calif., building___ 1044 for repairs and pre8efVation _____ 183, 1045 for mechanical equipment_______ 183,1046 defici~c:r appropriation for Chicago, m., completion_______________ 32,34 for Detroit, Mich., completion______ 82 for maintenance._ __ _ _ __ 1618, 1622, 1654 for Fort Stanton, N. 14ex__________ 1655 Marine &A_. appropriation for reimbureing New York, Massa.chUletts, and Penn- 8ylvaDia, for espeuees of____ 625, 1453 Mari,.. Weather Data, .- appropriation forfumlabing_______ 144,1195 Marinette, Wia., agreement of Willconsln.and Michigan for bridging_MeDommee River, between Menominee, Mich., and. eonsented. to_____________ 300 bridge &'>lthorised act088 Menomine River.at_____________________ 303 Marien County, Tenn.• brid~ authorised 8CfOII Tenneuee River, in_____________________ 417 Marien. I Tid•• appropriation for Volunteer Soldiel'll' Flome ____________________ 361,1384 oonstruetion, etc., of additional h~pita.l cottages______________ 361