Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1914

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INDEX; clxili MIJrioft Itld. -Qmttnutwi. hili. MulBr-track &au aU Tat C. Dqot, ~ C~,llL;· alta of, oonveJj:!!'!-CIl1OA1o aod West- ern In. BaUroad Company__ 431 cond1t1o~. __ ~.~_~_______________ · 432 Jlala~JI~· ' brldp authOrbeCt MI'OU lUo 0Nnde, betwMll'BrowMViJIe, Twx., ~ 764 deflOlei~ctC~_~~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1667 ad~= ::OO_-.1i~-iOiii~ 1668 ft::'~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~ 1308 M=~~ A. r ., ~::.rorC:t:bur.e- • . men~~ ___________ _ Ai..W "ret, Aril., . of'MaJoo ~_______ ;. • 764 24 Malernit" aulf41antr H~ Ad, , , J approP!iatlon (or expllDIM of CbJIdnD'. .. bridp &Ol"O88 BiJni Francfa ru... at, ~__________ ___________ 442 Marblittf, M., F",., ., appropriation for etudy in physlolo81cal uhang., etc., in proceaa of, stbr- &I8,etc___________________ 552,1202 AiGrl:ainf, tIc., ProWnII, appropriation for inve.nIga1;ing domes- tic and foreign _____________ 86,1117 Mar,"", D. C ., appropriation for m81ntellanoe, repairs, etc_______________________ 647, 1264 for Weatem, alteraUona, equipment, etc~_________________________ 647 Ma~ JUoerda, D. C ., . . in Healtb Department w be transferred te euMody of Supreme Court_ ·_ _ 1283 Marllholl ,NId, Kaflll., construcilon for Air CoI'p3 authorised at___________________ 749, 1302, 1304 Marllh,aJ., United Sf.GUItt C01Im, . . appropriation for salaries, fees, etc_ _ 80, 1111'- care of attached ftII81s.. _______ 80, llll deficienoy appropriation for salaries, etc~OO5,-9M,-m;i6i7:i82i: :7t;iila accounta of, w be rendered quarterly to Attorney Oeoeral within 20 days . after 010118 01 quartw__________ 998 dup~eate ~ be kepi; open to pubHo ~t~-------------------- 998 no court approval of, lequlred______ 998 Marshfidd, Wis., . deficiency appropriation for public buDdiDg ai______________ ..: _ __ _ 1659 Murti~ J. B., deficleDcy approprlailon for paying ~ claim 0'-_____________ 898 Martin, Rny L., . appointed on Board of Managers of National Home tor Disabled Volunteer 801dier1____________ 1016 Maryland, . construction of bridge aeroas Potomae River, ai Paw PaWl W. Va., by West Virginia and, egalUed____ 1077 may acquire, after completion, bridge acrou Bear Creek, at Lovel Point, Md___________________ 727 Cboptank River, at Cambridge_____ 1313 Patuxent River, at Burch..__ _______ 1490 Potomac River, ai Great PaUI______ 443 Mason Cit1/, IoVJG, deficiency appropriation for public buBdiris at___________________ 1659 M asllae1taseltll, appropriation for reimburaing, for ma- rine ICbool expenses ________ 625,1453 Mallllach-ua Allen", BB., D. C., appropriation for ])&ving, etc., Eight- eenth to Nineteenth Streetaj from gasoline tax fund_ _ _ _ _ ___ 1272 Bureau esecUtiDs..... ___ __ __ _ .1OB. 1138 defi~:!cTarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)__'~_~~.· 23 .vau".. RiM> . . bridge authoriaed acrou, in Lueas. ~~,(}bio--------------~- 1559 Mazwdl FtItJld, Ala.,· Anial' Air iJor:t-, . amoanta auihorlled fur Cleldpated buDdinp,etc., ~_.._... _______ 130 construoticlA -ahonsea ·of buildiJIM. etc., at__________________ 749,1302 T~.School, Army Air Corp., at.. 1304 Mayaguez,Portp ~ic0t contraci autnonzea for repairing cus;. tomhoU8e, etc., at___________ .. _ 596 Mayji.6lrJ. C ., Kr., prelimin,aryexamlnation for Good eon- ~ol--6.------------------- 1164 M':'~~Jai:"lU'::, ai ~, . Ky., and A~, Ohlo_. _____ 304 time ext8niled for.bridsiDg Ohio lUver, M(Jymn1:1r;.:---,..~-~------:---------- 1430 bridge authorized aCross Ohio River at____________________ 304, ~ 1696 time esteilded for brldging Ohio RiVer, at, _________ .. ____ ___ _ :.. ___ 1182,1430 MBGt and MM Pr~, , . appropriation tor diifUstng infotJDation of market, distribution, ete;, of_______________ -- -- ~561, 1212 MBGt Iflllpection, • appropriation for additional expeD.1ell__ 548.1 . 1~~ erlendl!d to equine meat; labels. etc~requUed------------~- 548,1198 M tdianictJllSngineeri1l(l, . appropriation forstandardlzing appa- rat~ etc., used in __________ 92,1122 Mecha~Bgiri~ Public Buildiftlll, appropnation or________________ 183,1045 deficiency appropriation fOr__________ 42, . 986,937,1619,1872 Medal t1/ HOMr, COf!f!rellriontJl, awarded Colonel Charlelt A. LindberJ;h, Army Air Corps Reserve, for nonsiop airplane flight, New York w PsriiJ_______________ _ 1 Medallt deficlenEba:ETarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC)i~~__ TarmstroBot (talk) __TarmstroBot (talk) 01:21, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 16g for Thomaa A. Edison_____________ 1614 to be annually awarded w two pc!fee- men aDd fuemeb, D. C., for OODBPl!lUOUll l181'Vioe, etc________ 1556 Medal., Arm" &n1ic4, authorized w be procured and gratul- toullly famed to per80DII entitled w the following, with ribbons, etc__________________________ 500 Civil War campaign medaL_______ 500