Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/406

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355 authority, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, of the remains of officers, cadets, United States Military Academy, acting assistant surgeons, members of the Army Nurse Corps, and enlisted men in active service, and accepted applicants for enlistment ; for interment or preparation and transportation to their homes of the remains of civilian employees of the Army in the employ of the War Depart- ment who die abroad, in Alaska, in the Canal Zone, or on Army transp orts, or who die w hile o n duty in the field ; fo r inte rment of military prisoners who die at military posts ; for the interment and shipment to their homes of remains of enlisted men who are dis- charged in hospitals in the United States and continue as inmates of said hospitals to the date of their death ; for interment of prisoners of war and interned alien enemies who die at prison camps in the United States ; for recovery of bodies ; for removal of remains from abandoned posts to permanent military posts or national cemeteries, includin g the rem ains of F ederal so ldiers, sailors, or marine s interre d in fields, abandoned graves, or abandoned private and city ceme- teries ; and in any case where the expenses of burial or shipment of the remains of officers or enlisted men of the Army who die on the active list are bo rne by indiv iduals , where such expens es wou ld hav e been lawf ul cl aims agai nst t he Go vern ment, reim burs ement to s uch individuals may be made of the amount allowed by the Government for such services out of this sum, but no reimbursement shall be made of such expenses incurred prior to July 1, 1910 ; for expenses of the segregation of bodies in permanent American cemeteries in Great Britain and France, $100,000 : Provided, That the above provisions shall be applicable in the cases of officers and enlisted men on the retired list of the Army who have died or may hereafter die while on active duty by proper assignment . CONFEDERATE MOUND, OAKWOOD CEMETERY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS : For care, protection, and maintenance of the plat of ground known as Confederate Mound in Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois, $500. For care, protection, and maintenance of Confederate Stockade Ceme tery, John stons Isl and, in Sa ndus ky Ba y, Oh io, $350 . CONFEDERATE BURIAL PLATS : For care, protection, and maintenance of Confederate burial plats, owned by the United States, located and known by the following designations : Confederate Cemetery, North Alton, Illinois ; Confederate Cemetery, Camp Chase, Columbus, Oh i o ; Conf ederat e sect ion, G reenla wn Cem etery, Indian apolis , Indi - an a ; Confederate Cemetery, Point Lookout, Maryland ; a nd Con - federate Cemetery, Rock Island, Illinois, $1 .250 . Fo r repa irs an d pres ervati on of monume nts, ta blets, roads , fenc es ., and so forth, made and constructed by the United States in Cuba and China to mar k the places where Ameri can sol diers fell, $1,000 . NATIONAL MILITARY PARKS CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA NATIONAL MILITARY PARK Recovery of bodies . Ante, p. 248. Removal from aban- doned posts, etc. Reimbursement individuals . to American cemeteries in Grea t Brita in and France. Proriso . Retired officers and enlisted men on active duty included. Confederate Mound, Chicago, Ill . Con fed era te Sto ck- ade Cemetery, Ohio . Confed erate burial plats . Post, p. 533. Burial places in Cuba and China. Military Parks. Chickamau ga and Chattanooga . For continuing the establishment of the park ; compensation and me

e stab lish- cut of the superintendent, maps, surveys, clerical and other assistance ; maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-pro- pelled passenger-carrying vehicle ; maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle ; office and all other necessary expenses ; foundations for State monuments ; mow- ing ; historical tablets, iron and bronze ; iron gun carriages ; roads and their maintenance, including posts and guard rails on highways, $60,000.