Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/504

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHs . 419-421 . 1928 .

453 April 23, 1928 . [H. R. 11762.1 [Public, No . 310.] CHAP. 419 .-An Act To authorize an appropriation to complete construc- tion at Fort Vi adsworth, New York . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un ited Stat es of Am eric a in Con gres s as semb led , That there is N Fo rt wadsworth, here by au thoriz ed to be a ppropr iated not to exceed $40,000 to be Amount for complet . ing barracks, etc ., at . expended for the construction, installation, and completion at Post, p. 927. Fort Wadsworth, New York, of barracks and such utilities and appurtenances thereto as may be necessary . . Approved, April 23, 1928 . CHAP . 420 .-An Act Granting certain lands to the city of Centerville, Utah 23, , [H. Ap ril , 87 34 .1 1M . to protect the watershed of the water-supply system of said city .

[Public, No . 311 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That up on pay - Guantea os. Center- ment of $ 1 .25 pe r acre, there is hereby granted to the city of C enter- vile, Utah, to protect ville, Utah, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and water supply. directed to issue patent to the city of Centerville, Utah, for certain public lands for the protection of the watershed furnishing the water for said city, the lands being described as follows : All of section 12, Desc ripti on . township 2 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian, United States Survey, and also the west half of the west half, the northeast quar- ter of the northwest quarter, the north half of the northeast quarter, and the so uthe ast qua rter of the sou the ast quar ter of sec tion 10, to wn- ship 2 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian, United States Survey, and containing approximately ni ne hundred and sixty acres, more or less . SEC. 2. The conveyance hereby authorized sh all not in clu de any fe ea d rights not af- lands which at the date of the issuance of patent shall be covered by a valid existing bona fide right or claim initiated under the laws of the United States : Provides Tha t there shall be reserve d to the Mineral deposits re- United States all oil, coal, and other mineral deposits that may be served . found in the lands so granted and the right to prospect for, mine, Reversion for non- and remove the same : Provided further, That said city shall not user . have the right to sell or convey the land herein granted, or any part thereof, or to devote the same to any other purpose than as herein- before described; and if the said land shall not be used for such muni cipal pu rpose th e same, or such parts th ereof not so used, shall revert to the United States and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to declare a forfeiture of this grant and to cancel the patent issued hereunder after such proceedings as he may prescribe upon a finding by him that the land has not been used for the purpose for which it was granted . The conditions and reser- vations herein provided for shall be wipres_sed in the patent . Approved, April 23, 1928 . CHAP . 421 .-Joint Resolution To ant

April23, . 721 grant

1928. permission for the erection of a [S . J. Res . memorial statue of Cardinal Gibbons .

[Pub . Res ., No .27.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director DistrletofColumbia . of Public Buildings and Public Par ks of the National Ca pi tal Caa nl Gibbons may be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to grant permission to the ed re r sesevdvatin designat- on. Knights of Colmbus, through Martin H. Carmody, the S upr eme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, or his successors in office, for the erection, as aa gift to the people of the Uni ted Stat es, on p ublic grounds, known as Reservation 309-G, west of square 2675 which said