Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/772

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs. 718, 719. 1928. and plan of said tract of land," so that said Act as amended shall read as follows "That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase the tract of land adjoining the United States target range at Auburn, Maine, comprising eighty-four acres, more or less, the property of the heirs of John Barron, for the purpose of adding to said rifle range, and to purchase said property the Secretary of War is authorized to expend a sum not to exceed $3,000 and the sum or sums necessary to be expended for the investigation of title, and for the required survey and plan of said tract of land, from funds allotted to the State of Maine by the United States from the appro- priation `Arming, equipping, and training the National Guard,' for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927 ." Approved, May 23, 1928 . CH A P . 71 9 .-An Act To authoriz e and direct the sur vey, construction, a nd maintenance of a memorial highway to connect Mount Vernon, in the State of Virginia, with the Arlingto n Memorial Bridge across the Potomac River at Washington . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United State s Commission for the Celebr ation of the Two Hundredth Anni- versary of the Birth of George Washington (hereinafter referred to as the commission), created by Public Resolution Numbered 38, approved December 2, 1924, be, and the same is hereby, authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary to construct a suitable memorial highway to connect Mount Vernon, the home and burial place of George Washington, in the State of Virginia, with the south end of the Arlington Memorial Bridge, now being con- structed across the Potomac River at the city of Washington, Dis- trict of Columbia, acting through and by utilizing the services of the U nited States Department of Agriculture . SEC . 2. That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized and directed to cooperate with said commission in carrying out the pro- visions of this Act . He shall cause to be made such surveys as may be deemed necessary of the route, or routes, between the points named in section 1 hereof . The said commission shall determine the route on which said highway shall be constructed . The Secretary of Agri- culture shall cause to be prepared such plans, specifications, and es tima tes for the cons truc tion of said hig hway as may be n eces sary , which shall include provision for the planting of shade trees and shrubbery and for such other landscape treatment, parking, and ornamental structures as he may prescribe, such plans and specifica- tions to be subject to approval by the commission . He shall advertise for bids and ent er into contr acts for and s upervise the -work of const ructing said highway . SEC. 3 . That the highway authorized to be constructed under the provisions of this Act shall have a right of way of such minimum width as the commission shall determine, and shall be constructed only of such durable type of surfacing as will adequately meet the present and probable future traffi c needs and c onditions ther eon . The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to occupy such lands belonging to the United States or to the District of Columbia as may be necessary for the location, construction, and maintenance of the highway authorized herein . SEC . 4 . That the S ecretary of A griculture is hereby author ized to acquire such lands as may be necessary for the proper location, construction, and maintenance of said highway, including parking, 721, Purchase of land ad . joining Army target range at, authorized . Investigation of title, and survey to be made. Fr om National Guard allotment to Maine . May 23, 1928.

[S . 1369.1 [Public, No . 493.1 Mount Vernon Memori al Highway, Va. Commission directed to con struct, from Mount Vernon, Va . to Arlington Memorial Bridge across Potomac River . Vol .43,p.671. Under ser vic es of Agricu ltural Depar t- ment . Sec reta ry of Agr icul- ture to cause necessary surveys . Commiss ion to deter . mine route . Plans, specifications, and estimates to be pre- pared . Cont racts for co n- struction, etc . width of right of way, and surfacing type, required . Oc cupa tion of Gov- ernmen t and Distri ct lands, authorized . Acquiring necessary lands by purchase, con- demnation, gift . etc,