SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CHs. 719, 720 . 1928 Acceptance of funds by purchase, condemnation, gift, grant, dedication, devise, or other- from States, etc .
w ise, fro m an y so urce wha tsoe ver . The Secretary of Agriculture m ay accept funds from any State, county, or political subdivision of a Payment for acquired State, or from any individual or association, for the purpose of aid- lands . ing in carrying out the provisions of this Act . Such lands as may be acquired by purchase or condemnation may be paid for from funds authorized t o be appropria ted under thi s Act, or fro m funds that may be donate d for the purp ose of aiding in carrying out the ceedings in Virginia provisions V p ro- rovisions hereof. When ever i t beco mes n ecessa ry to acquir e by subject to laws thereof, condemnation roceedings any lands in the State of Virginia for the purpose ofp carrying out the provisions of this Act, such pro- Title requirements. ceedings shall conform to the laws of said State now in force in reference to Federal condemnation proceedings . No payment shall be made for any such lands until the title thereto in the United States shall be satisfactory to the Attorney General of the United States . Maintenance by Se c- SEC. 5. That after the construction of said high-way, the Secretary retary of Agriculture from annual appropria- of Agriculture shall cause the same to be properly maintained, and tionsherebyauthorized shall p ay the cost t hereof from fu nds to be app ropriated annu ally Traffic regulations to for that purpose, which appropriations are hereby authorized to be be issued . made . The Secretary of Agriculture shall have control over the vehicul ar and „p edestr ian mo vement on a nd ove r the highw ay con - structed hereunder and may issue rules and regulations to govern Proviso.
such traffic and all uses of said highway, including limitations on the Concurrent iurisdic- size, kind, weight, and speed of vehicles : Provided, That nothing tio n of Vir ginia not herein shall be so construed as to conflict or interfere with the con- inte rfere d wi th . current jurisdiction of the State of Virginia reserved by the laws of said State now in force over property acquired therein by the United States, or with chapter 494 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved March 25, 1926, authorizing cooper- ation on the part of the State and interested subdivisions thereof in the construction of the highway herein provided for. ti Ana thorizedpropna- SEC. 6 . That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Post, pp. 895, 1221 . Act, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, or so much thereo f as may be neces sary, to be avail able u ntil expended : The sum of $500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928 ; the sum of $2,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929 ; the sum of $1,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930 ; the sum of $1,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931 . Employment of as- SEC. 7. That out of the appropriations made under this Act, or authorized . etc ., Acts amendator y thereof or supplemental thereto, the S ecretary of Agriculture is authorized to employ such assistants, engineers, clerks, and other persons, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, to pay the salaries of like persons regularly employed by the Gov- ernment whose services may be utilized hereunder and to incur such travel and other expenses as he may deem necessary for carrying out the purpose of this Act . Approved, May 23, 1928 . May 23, 1928.
CHAP . 720 .-An Act For the relief of the land-grant railroad operated [li , No. [Public, No. 494 .] between the station formerly known as East Portland, in the State of Oregon, and Roseville, in the State of California . Land g rant rail road . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Rate of Army trans- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the land- port l an
' from g. to East Portland,
t railroad heretofore operated,
be ing and no w being op erated, be tween nd, Oreg ., to g Roseville, Calif .
the station formerly known as East Portland, in the State of Oregon,