Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1804

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W....,. ShoaAotuJ Indian Raervation, Paa Idaho and NIIV. - <Jontinued. deficiency appropriation for survey of water .upply_________________ 1639 Wll3ton, MGrJI A. (widow), ~OAia;Vii:(~);------------- 1758 perudonin~ ___________________ 2183 liYAfon, BolaS. (widow), ~on---------------------_______ 1758 WIl3ton, W. Va., G~al Hospital, payment to, for property da.mages____ 1833 Wet~ ¥annaA (1Di4otD), peIlSlon mcreased_ __________________ 2177 W~el, JoIt4nna (widow), penSlOn increased_ __________________ 2272 W.", A!af'J! E. (widow), ~:)-Com;;;;;,-.------- 2113 trestl~~i~_03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)_!_)_~!~ 1430 Whaky, Neal, ~~nC~~y-lV~h~--------------- 1847 completion of road across Lummi Reeervation, partially construct- ed by, authorlsed_____________ 366 to be maintained by, free of Govern- Wheat, ment expeD8e8________________ 366 claims of elevators, etc., of, for money earned in 1919 and 1920 under Government guaranteed price contracts, to be adjusted and paid_________________________ 1148 Wheelden, Alice M. (tDidoto), w~~jD;~~-(~):-------------- 1788 ~oF~~ll~~ii;---------------- 1956 construction of Army buildings author- ised at_______________________ 748 construction for Army Air Corps, authonzedat______________ 74~ 1301 of buildings, etc., at_______________ 1301 W~, Ic!a M. (tDidoto), w) 03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC);L.1~):------------- 2067 penslonlncreased ___________________ 2204 Wheeler, WiUiam F., granted h:morable discharge__________ 1723 Wheelock Academy, Okla., appropriation for dining hall, etc., improvements, from funds of ChoctaWB____________________ 1577 purchase of pasture land for, from tribal funds of Choctaws, Okla, author- ised_________________________ 216 w~,~:u1,:;a~);------------ 216 ~~:;;h~j>~-------------------- 2301 land patent to______________________ 2345 Whinery, Adaline (widow), ~A:!i~~);-------------- 2196 03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC))):------------ 2244 ~:):~~);------------ 2090 ~:~~T)(~);---------- 1883 wJ:i.~~n~~:!c~.-(~)~----------- 1976 penslOn mcreased___________________ 2114 Whitcomb, Ma1'1l L. (toidou), p .... ~~A~~(~:------------ 2106 ~r:jf!~~r=[f.-(6~~5;----- 2168 patent in fee to, authorlzoo__________ 2035 White, Eliaha, pension____________________________ 2273 White County, IU., bridge authorized acr088 Wabash River, between New Harmony, Ind., and authorized inplace of former location at McGregors Ferry, Ill__________________________ 1406 White Earth Indian Ruervation, Minn., appropriation of boarding school for Chippewa Indians_____________ 1577 White, Eliza J. (widow), pension increased _______________ 1905,1957 White, .Elizabeth (widow oj Flancil H.), penSIon increased___________________ 2248 White, .Eli~h (widow oj Franklin), Whit~:~Eyi)-oij~;;;;;j:),---- 2279 ~~:IEyi!~~(~5;----------- 1866 JV) 03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)l103:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~~------------- 2272 JV~~lll03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)--------------- 1972 penffion____________________________ 1861 White, Honorabld Haya B., deficiency appropriation for contested election expenses______________ 884 White Horse Indian Subag6nCf/, S. Dak., bridge authorized across Moreau River at; ha!f-cost from Indian funds_ 1487 White House, D. C. (see al4e Executive Mansion), iron gates between grounds of, and State, etc., Department Build- ing, given to Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont, Ohio_____ 422 White H0U3e Police, appropriation for salaries _________ 574, 1231 for unifonns and equipment_____ 574, 1231 White, .Jen'!lie E. (widow), W~~J:hnF~j-ii;,;y-L:,----- ---- - - 2113 deficiency appropriation for paying damage claims oL____________ 1674 claims of, for damages, etc., to be asoor- tained_______________________ 1711 White, John J., pension____________________________ 1813 White, John 0., pension____________________________ 1996 White, Loui4 N., W~~:~M;,fi;,r~(~~):-------------- 1842 penSlOn mcreased___________________ 1874 White, .Ma~y A. (widow 01 John), Whi~:nMa~~cA.(~~-;liii"d&a;J 8.),--- 2093 Whi~:iMa~cE.(~),--------------- 2194 W~~iM~~:r.) 03:25, 7 January 2012 (UTC)--------------- 178 W)Ma~cj{~d~:-------------- 2111 penslOn mcreased___________________ 1945 White, .Mi~nie L. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 1947