Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/44

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11-00 SEVlENTIETB CONGRESS. SI:s8. I . CHs-. I 366, 867, 371,'3~ :1928. ~~.' . OJU;it., ·. ee. - -4 AnA":otJ'oi'theiellef of Hojpr,M; Traud~ . '.' '. NOo") B.~ it!=wb1,i iiJ kindt~'~ Br;;,~'(,lll8 . ",'.:, _~:'ot;eM ~M.~ Umtea State8 of America in. O0'f&{J1W8 ,:Lf.:..~"&l"sr.UM. =~Ulhhome- Trandum is herebl allowed three years fiofu!tm7da~~il.e}l1SSage . of this Act within which to.. suDmit-proof upon homeatead entry . . 051441, Miles (,~ty series, embracing the north half section ~ town- . .. Ship' ~lJiorih, ~ ~ Mat, principal ·meridiail,·Montana.;. ,W1rich entry is hereby reinstated for the purposes of this Act. Appro:vad,A~ 12t 1928. I .• ~:, 8tn'.~.\n Ad For the reltef of cMord J. Turner; Printe, No, ell. " 1' •.,: . ',. . ':' .' . .. !..'

Be'M:,tlft(MJted;ily; the Se'1l4t8 atUl:H()U1J8 tlf ReFea.~()ft.M g:=~l::~Of, U~ ~;:of;; A~ iMOO1't{J'l'6fl- ~W,· That the home- ~Y patented, stead··,eQiry, CtOobtc?n ~1lJI1heHd Ol807Qt·aow CISllLake nllmbered Oi3639..~r by;: ,Wflord ~J.: IDurner ,on' August., 31, 192~J: foJ' 'ihe south, of _ lIlortheasC,~, ~·quarier,bf ·me south- Payment. Vol. 26, p. M2. Vol. a. p. 4000. eal& quvtB of· ~0Il·a2t wWnahip ,l~ JWrth, ~ 87w- ., . fifth princIpal meridian, on which patent;;e\TOIl~; liIiJQed Decembet 1, 1925, be, and the same is hereby, vali~, uWa ~ynJent by said entryman of the appraised price of the timber thereon as provided by the Act of January 14, 1889 (Twenty-fifth Statutes at LargeJ page 642), as amended. by the Act of June 27, 1902 (Thirty-second Statutes at Large, page 4(0). . . Approved, April 12" 1~,28. OIOP. 871.- An ACt For the relief of William C. Brauck. yate, 0.70. .;. ': , B~U ~,1It!. lite S~ and H~~ of R~~ :0' the WIDlam C. Brauch. U~ iJtaIN.of Ammica'" (J~8auemh~ That the Secretary . !t:r."Ifl1IIIlt for coal of the Intaior' be, and he is· herebY1authorUed to credit $400 pur- chase mo~paid the United States for coal eDtry Bismarck num- bered .fmfl76"bn.amount due the United State. ~y W"illiam C. Braasch, for royalty on coal mined prior to award of lease for the same land, now embraced in his coal lease Bismarck numbered 021861. Approved, April 13, 1928. rB~u.,. OJUP. 878.- An Act For the relief of Arthur C. Lueder. [l'rinte, No. 71.) B, it ~d bJJ tM 8~ lind HotIM of Retm~aUt1u 01 the

f1a.=ied U1tIlUd seau. 0tA~ in. O~ auemhl6dz That the Post-

= -- 110 mISter GeIaer&l. 18 authol'lZed and ·diTected to credit the'" account of Arthur ·C. ., postJnaster at' Chicago, Illinills, in· the suill'()f $CJO,.74:.t'li bd to Certify such ~t to the' General Aceounting Oftiee, as follows : $19,46;8.50, bemg an ~ount cJwted iii the postal account due to the casJung of warsa~ stamps m the :fMrl9'¥ which" were found by the Treasu,ry Department to be't!!Ounterfelt and ~ baCk to the posQ#Uter's aceount; $100,' .being an amount·cn.~in the money-order accotltltdueto th~'~hing by the 'postm~ -of money ord~n·,;in·fa;.OriofMrs. ~. J." AI1redfor whien a dupli¢;Lte order 1iad been: issued; $fS2.5O, being U1 amount chargee!":in the money.order aooountdlJe tot~eashinjfof a. oheck oftlie V~ BU'teaU in favor GfNannie norntoIi Worthy with money-order funds, which the General AccOfthting Office' held was wrongfully issued and which the Treasury Department cha~ ·back