Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1346

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SEV EN TY- FI RST CONGRESS . SESS . III . CH. 279 . 1931 . CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA NATIONAL MILITARY PARK For continuing the establishment of the park ; compensation and expenses of the superintendent, maps, surveys, clerical and other assistance ; maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle ; maintenance, repair, and operation of one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle ; office and all other neces- sary expenses ; foundations for State monuments ; mowing ; historical tablets, iron and bronze ; iron gun carriages ; roads and their main- tenance, including posts and guard rails on highways, $54,560 . FORT DONELSO N NATIONAL MILITARY PAR K For care and maintenance of the Fort Donelson National Military Park es tablis hed on the b attlef ield o f Fort Donels on, Te nnesse e, in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved March 26, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. III, title 16, sets. 428 128j), including personal services, procurement of supplies and equipment, and . Ill other expenses incident to the care and maintenance of the park, $7,320 . FREDERICK SBURG AND SPOTSYL VANIA CO UNTY BATT LE FIELD S MEMORI AL For continuing the establishment of a national military park to be k nown as the Fred eri cksb urg and Spot syl vani a Co unty Bat tle Fiel ds M emor ial, in acc orda nce with the pr ovis ions of the Act approved February 14, 1927 (U . S . C . Supp . III, title 16, sets . 425-425j), including the maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, $215,970, of which $115,- 300 shall be available immediately for the construction of roads . GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK For conti nuing the es tablis hment of the park ; ac qui sit ion of la nds , surveys, and maps ; constructing, improving, and maintaining avenues, roads, and bridges thereon ; fences and gates ; marking the lines of battle with tablets and guns each tablet bearing a brief legend giving histo ric fa cts an d comp iled wi thout censur e and with- out praise ; preserving the features of the battlefield and the monu- ments thereon ; compensation of superintendent, clerical and other services, expenses, and labor ; purchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position ; purchase of one freight-carrying automobile, at a cost not to exceed $900 ; main- tenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled freight and passen- ger-car rying vehicl es, an d all other expense s inci dent t o the fore- going, $72,015, of which $36,079 shall be available immediately . GUIL FOR D C OUR THO USE NAT ION AL MIL ITAR Y P ARK For continuing the establishment of a national military park at the battlefield of Guilford Courthouse, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to establish a national military park at the battle- field of Guilford Courthouse," approved March 2, 1917 (39 Stat ., p . 996), $8,360. MOORES C REEK NAT IONAL MI LITARY PA RK For continuing the establishment of a national military park at the bat tlefie ld of Moores Creek , Nort h Carol ina, i n acco rdance with the Act entitled "An Act to establish a national military park at the battlefield of Moores Creek, North Carolina," approved June 2, 1926 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 422), $5,120. Fort Donelson . Ca re and mainte. nance . Vol.45, p. 368. U.S. C., Supp. IV, p. 166. Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Memo- rial . Continuing

estab. lishment of . Vol.44, p. 1091. U. S. C., Supp. IV, p. 163. Gettysburg . Maintenance. 1303 Military parks . Chickamau ga and Chattanooga. Continuing estab- lishment . Guilford Court- ho use. M ainten ance, etc . Vol. 39, p. 996. Moores Creek. Maintenance, etc . Vol. 44, p. 684 . U.S. C., Supp. IV, p. 161.