Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1695

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INDEX. XXlll Biloxi, Miss.: Confederate Veterans' encampment, l'larine Band attendance au- ~horized ______________________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Loan of War Department equipment for _________________________ _ Harbor improvements authorized ____ _ ~odified ________________________ _ Preliminary examination of Back Bay, to be made____________________ _ Bingham Canyon, Utah, appropriation for Palte I 267 488 60 926 1306 939 public building aL __________ .. _____ 1587 Binghamton, N. Y .: Appropriation for public building aL_ _ 1587 Post office site disposaL _____________ 27~ Biologic Pr~ucts, B.ppropriation for regu- lating sale oL __________________ 348,1229 Biological Survey, Bureau of. See Agri- culture, Department of. Biological Utensils, duty on_____________ 605 Biophysical Investigations, appropriation fOL _______________ .. __________ 407,1256 Birds. See also Migratory Birds. Duty on___________________________ 632 Importation of, in violation of foreign law, prohibited__________________ 741 Importation of wild, or plumes, etc., of, prohibited_____________________ 662 On frce lisL ________________________ 678 Birds of Paradise, importation of, prohib- ited_____________________________ 662 Biscuits, duty on _____________________ _ 635 Bismark, N. Dak.: Appropriation for Indian boarding schooL _____________________ 296,1132 Deficiency appropriation fOL______ 1615 Terms of court at__________________ 495 Bismuth, duty on ___________________ 592,626 Bisque Ware, duty on_________________ 604 Bits, duty on; braces_________________ _ 629 Bitter Almond Oil, on free lisL _________ 680 Bitter Root Irrigation Project, Mont. : Rehabilitation of, authorized _______ _ Appropriation fOL ______________ _ Bitters,dutyon__ . ___________________ _ Bitumen, on free list__________________ _ Black Bass Law: Amendments affecting interstate trans- 852 1144 639 678 portation, etc______ _______ ___ ___ 845 Appropriation for enforcement____ 1346, 1565 Black Lake, Mich., improvement of, au- thorized__________________________ 929 Black Oxide of Tin, on free list_________ 682 Black Pigments, duty on_______________ 600 Black River, Ark., bridge authorized across, at Pocahontas______________ 162 Black River, La., time extended for bridg- ing, at Jonesville__________________ 1039 Biaek River, Mich.: Page Improvement of, authorizcd__________ 930 Preliminary examination of, to be made__________________________ 943 Black River, Wis., preliminary examina- tion of, to be made _______________ _ Black Rock Channel, N. Y ., preliminary examination of, to be made ________ _ Black Spanish Wool, duty on __________ _ Blackfeet Indians, Mont.: Appropriation for- 941 943 646 Employees' building_______________ 1120 Health conservation among ______ 299, 1135 Irrigation systems construction __ 291, 1127 Roads construction, etc _____ 314,319,1150 Scho~s _______________ 29~33~87~ 1131 Support, etc., oL ______________ 301,1138 Assessments for construction on irriga- tion projects to be adjusted_________ 1093 High school building extension, sum available for construction __________ _ Minors, enrollment oL ______________ _ Blackings, duty on___________________ _ Blacksmith's Tools, duty on ___________ _ Blackwater Creek, Va., preliminary exam- ination of, to be made ____________ _ Bladders: 1568 1495 591 615 935 Duty on, manufactures_ _____________ 668 On free list_________________________ 681 Blaine, Wash., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 349 Blanc Fixe, duty on___________________ 599 Blank Books, duty on________ __ ________ 656 Blankets, duty on _______________ 642, 648, 649 Blanks, Steel, duty on_________________ {HO Blasting Caps, duty on_________________ 661 Bleaching Powder, duty on____________ 591 Blind: Annual appropriations for books for adult, authorized________________ 1487 Appropriation for________________ 1628 Invitation extended foreign countries to attend International Congress of the____________________________ 71 Blinds, duty on___ ___ __ ____ __ ______ __ _ 630 Blister Rust, appropriation for controL__ 405, 422, 1254, 1562 Block Isiand, R. I., preliminary examina- tion to be made of East Harbor; Great Salt Pond entrance_________ 934 Blood: Duty on- A1bumen_________________________ 632 Char_____________________________ 600 Not specially provided for__________ 675 Bloomfield, N. J ., appropriation for pub- lic building at __________________ 894,1588 Bloomfield, Okla., appropriation for In- dian school support________________ 296