Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1696

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· XXIV INDEX. Bloomington, TII., appropriation for public Page building aL__________ ____________ 349 Blooms and Slabs, duty OD_____________ 610 Bloomsburg, PIl., appropriation for public building at_______________________ 1588 Blotting Paper, duty on________________ 656 Blue Pigments, duty on________________ 600 Blue Print Paper, duty on_ ___ ____ ______ _ 654 Blue Vitriol, on free list_ _________ __ ____ _ 676 Bluegrass Seed, duty on _____________ ___ 637 Blytheville, Ark., appropriation for public building at________________________ 1588 Board of Actuaries, Retirement Act of 1930, appointment and duties under_ ______ 478 Board of Mediation. See Independent Of- fices. Board of Ordnance and Fortification, Army, certain provisions concerning, U. S. C ., title 50, sec. 11, rcpealed__ 1029 Board of Parole, Federal, crca~i0n, powers, duties, etc_ ___ _____________________ 272 Board of Tax Appeals. See Independent Of- fices. Boas, duty on__________________________ 662 Boats: Marshal's fces for keeping libeled_____ 486 Motor, duty on_____________________ 625 Bodega Bay, Calif., preliminary examina- tion of, to be made_________________ 943 Boeuf River, bridge authorized across, at Buckner, La_______________________ 1495 Bogalusa, La., appropriathn for public building at_______________________ 349 Bogue Chitto River, bridge authorized across, in Washington Parish, La_ __ 149 Bogue Falls, La., plans for improvement of, iDodified ______________________ 926 Bogy, Bernard p., appropriation for con- tested election expenses_ ___________ 91 Boiler Steel, duty on_____ ____ __ __ ____ _ 611 Bois de Rose Oil, on free list_ __________ 680 Boise, Idaho: Appropriation for- ~ay office ___________________ 349,1230 Public building at__ ______ __ _______ 349 Boise Irrigation Project, Idaho, appropria- tion for construction ___________ 307,1143 Boise National Forest, Idaho, lands added to_______________________________ 841 Bolivar, Tenn., bridge authorized across Hatchie River at_________________ 147 Bolivia, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to _________________ 175, 1310 Bolling Field, D. C.: Appropriation for land acquisition aL _ 442 Deficiency appropriation for construc- tion at ____________ 909,1013,1014,1607 Rights of way across, exchanges per- mitted_ ________________________ 1549 Bollworm, appropriation for investiga- Page ting __________________________ 414,1263 Bolting Cloths, on free lisL ___ _______ ___ 675 Bolts, duty on ______________________ 616,626 Bombay Mace, duty on_______________ 638 Bombs, duty on, not specially provided for _ 661 Bonded Manufacturing Warehouses, pro- visions of Tariff Act relating to_ ____ 691 Bonded Smelting Warehouses, provisions of Tariff Act relating to_ ___________ 692 Bonded Warehouses, designation oL___ 743 Bonds, second Liberty, issue of, increascd_ 1506 Bone: Duty on- Black, char_______________________ 600 Manufactures oL_________________ 668 On free list, meal, ash_______________ 675 Bonners Ferry, Idaho, village site for Kootenai Indians, neaL ___________ 301 Bonners Ferry, La., bridge authonzed across Bayou Bartholomew aL _____ 73 Bonnets, duty on ____________. _ _ _ 649, 658, 664 Bookkeeping and Warrants, Division of. See Treasury Department. Booklets, duty on_ __ __ ____ ____ __ ______ 657 Books: Admission of, if literary or scientific merit_________ ________________ 688 Annual appropriations, authorized for the blind _____________ _________ 1487 Appropriation for_____________ ____ 1628 Duty on, and bindings, covers _____ 656, 66Q On free list_______________________ 675,680 Boones Slough, Oreg., prevention of water flow of Yaquina Bay into____ .. 767 Boonesboro, Ky., bridge authorized across Kentucky River aL _______ ,,_ _ __ _ __ 779 Booneville, Mo., bridge authorized acros.'i Missouri River at ________________ 82 Boothbay, Me., preliminary examination of harbor to be made______________ 933 Boots, duty on_ _______________________ 667 Borate of Lime, Soda, on free list_ _ _ ____ 675 Borax: Dutyon___________________________ 600 On free lisL ___ __ __ ____ _____ __ ______ 675 Boric Acid, duty on ________ . __________ 590 Boron, duty on, and carbide____________ 610 Borongan, P. I ., deficiency appropriation for relief of natives________________ 1082 Boston, Mass.: Appropriation for- Emergency constrltction__ ____ __ __ _ 1072 Hydrographic Office expenscs ___ 578, 1453 Mail transmission by pneumatic tubes _____________________ 365,1241 Navy yard, public works _______ 569, 1444 Passport agency _______________ 174,1310 Public building at _________ .__ ____ _ 349 Stearnboatinspectors___________ 197,1335