Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/508

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465 For " Current expenses," " Subsistence," " Household," " Hospital," Speci fied expe nses at cc

branches . Transportation, " . . Repairs," and " Farm , " at the following branches, including the same objects respectively specified herein under each of such heads for the Central Branch, namely N orthwe stern Branch , Mil waukee , Wisc onsin : Current expenses, Milwaukee, Wis. $88,000 ; Su bsiste nce, $330,000 ; Ho usehol d, $ 165, 500 ; Hospital, $430,000 ; Transportation, $500 ; Repairs, $73,000 ; Farm , $22, 000 ; In all, Northwestern Branch, $1,109,000 . Eastern Branch, Togus, Maine : Current expenses, $75,000 ;

Togus, Me. Subsistence, $160,000 ; Ho usehol d, $ 115, 000 ; Ho spit al, $95 ,000 ; Transportation, $500 ; Repairs, $40,000 ; Farm , $30, 000 ; In all, Eastern Branch, $515,500 . Southern Branch, Hampton, Virginia : Currrent expenses, $85,200 ; Hampton, Va. Su bsiste nce, $331,200 ; House hold, $141,00 0 ; Hospital, $252,000 ; Transportation, $1,000 ; Repairs, $67,000 ; Farm , $24,000 ; In all, Southern Branch, $901,400 . Western B ranch, Le avenwo rth, Kansas : Current expe nses , Leavenworth, Kans. $97,500 ; Su bsiste nce, $33 3,00 0 ; Household, $168,000 ; Hospital, $210,000 ; Transportation, $500 ; Re pair s, $82,700 ; Fa rm, $30,000 ; In all, Western Branch, $921,700 . Pacific Branch, Santa Monica, California : Current expenses, Santa Monica, Calif. $110 ,000 ; Subsistence, $625,000 ; Household, $180,000 ; Hospital, $520,000 ; Tr ansp orta tion , $1 ,000 ; Repairs, $100,500 ; Farm , $38,000 ; In all, Pacific Branch, $1,574,500 . Marion Branch, Marion, Indiana : Current expenses, $76,000 ;

Marion, Ind. Subsistence, $330,000 ; Household, $125,000 ; Hospital, $450,000 ; Tr ansp orta tion , $1 ,000 ; Re pair s, $80,000 ; Farm , $26,000 ; In all, Marion Branch, $1,088,000 . Danville Branch, Danville, Illinois : Current expenses, $91,000 ; Danville, ni . Subsistence, $294,000 ; Household, $136,000 ; Hospital, $150,000 ; 57894°-31 30