Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/70

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH.28. 1929 . statistical compfla- records and $1 for supplying a certificate ; and that the Director of Lions. the Census is authorized to furnish transcripts of tables and other rec ords a nd to prepa re sp ecial stati stica l comp ilati ons f or Sta te or local officials, private concerns, or individuals upon the payment of the actual cost of such work : Provided, Iwwever, That in no case shall information furnished under the authority of this Act be used to the detriment of the person or persons to whom such information relates . All moneys hereafter received by the Bureau of the Census in payment for labor and materials used in furnishing transcripts of census records or special statistical compilations from such records shall be deposited to the credit 'of the appropriation for collecting stat istics . Allow ance f or tr avel- SEC . 19. That the Director of the Census may authorize the ex- ing expenses, etc ., of census employees . penditure of necessary sums for the actual and necessary traveling expenses of the officers and employees of the Census Office, including an allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $6 per day during their necessary absence from the Census Office, or, instead of such an allowance, their actual subsistence expenses, not to exceed $7 per day : Pro vis o . Allowance if using Pro vide d, That employees of the bureau may be paid in lieu of all their own motor ve- transportation expenses not to exceed 7 cents per mile for the use of hides . their own automobiles or not to exceed 3 cents per mile for the use of their own motor cycles when used for necessary travel on official business . SEC . 20. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act during the fifteenth decennial census period, there is authorized to be appoo rioted, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priate, the sum of $39,593,000 . SEC . 21. That the Act establishing the permanent Census Office, approved March 6, 1902, and Acts amendatory thereof and supple- mental thereto, except as are herein amended, shall remain in full force . That the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the fourteenth and subsequent decennial censuses," approved March 3, 1919, and all other laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. SEC . 22 . (a) On the first day, or within one week thereafter, of the second regular session of the Seventy-first Congress and of each fifth Congress thereafter, the President shall transmit to the Congress a state ment s howin g the whole numb er of perso ns in each State , exc lud- ing Indians not taxed, as ascertained under the fifteenth and each subsequent decennial census of the population, and the number of Representatives to which each State would be entitled under an apportionment of the then existing number of Representatives made in each of the following manners : (1) By apportioning the then existing number of Representatives among the several States according to the respective numbers of the several States as ascertained under such census, by the method used in the last preceding apportionment, no State to receive less than one Member ; (2) By apportioning the then existing number of Representatives among the several States according to the respective numbers of the several States as ascertained under such census, by the method known as the method of major fractions, no State to receive less than one Member ; and (3) By apportioning the then existing number of Representatives among the several States according to the respective numbers of the several States as ascertained under such census, by the method known as the method of equal proportions, no State to receive less than one Member. (b ) If the C ongress t o which th e statemen t require d by sub- d ivision (a) of this se ction is tr ansmitted, fails to ena ct a law ap por- Prooiso . Restriction . Use of receipts. Sum authorized for expenses. Vol .45,p . 1119. Post, pp . 100, 158. Modified former Act continued . Vol .32,p.51. Fou rteenth Census Act repealed . Vol. 40, p. p ealed. 1291, re- of Apportionment R epres entati ves . P reside nt to trans mit t o Cong ress a stat e- ment of total popula- tion of each State as- certained by decennial census, and apportion- m ent th ereto under ex . i sting numbe r ther eof . By method of last preceding apportion- ment. By method of major fractions . By method of equal proportions . If no apportionment law be e nacte d eac h State to have its ex- isting n umber.