Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/71

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cas. 28, 29. 1929 .

27 tioning Repres entatives amo ng the severa l States, then each State shall be entitled, in the second succeeding Congress and in each Con- gr ess th ereafte r until the t aking e ffect o f a re apporti onment under this Act or subsequent statute, to the number of Representatives shown in the statement based upon the method used in the last preceding Certificate thereof to apportionment . It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the last I-louse Sla te executives b se the of Representatives forthwith to send to the executive of each State a certificate of the number of Representatives to which such State is enti tled und er t his sect ion . In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk, or of his absence or inability to discharge this duty, then such duty shall devolve upon the officer who, under section 32 or 33 R .S .,sees.32,33,p.6. of the Revised Statutes, is charged with the preparation of the roll U.S. C.,p.4. of Representatives-elect . c This section shall have no force and effect in respect of the Sect ion n ot e ffect ive ( )

unless statement traus- apportionment to be made under any decennial census unless the putte d in pre scrib ed statement required by subdivision (a) of this section in respect of t1Ar~fe,p .2s e such census is transmitted to the Congress within the time prescribed in subdivision (a) . Approved, June 18, 1929 . June 18 ,1929 . CHAP. 29 .-An Act To authorize the State of West Virginia to acquire a [S .1452.1 bridge over the Kanawha River at Cabin Creek in said State and to acquire

[Public, No . 14 .] the right to construct a bridge over said river at Saint Albans in said State . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Kan awh a River . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the State of West Virginia may West Virginia, by its State bridge commission, be, and is hereby, acquire brid ge over, authorized to acquire, maintain, and operate the bridge being erected at cabin cree k . over the Kanawha River at Cabin Creek and the approaches thereto in said State, and that said bridge shall be deemed a lawful structure if constructed in accordance with the plans and location approved by th e Chief of En gineers and t he Secretary o f War under dates of April 20, 1928, and April 23, 1928, respectively, and in acc ordance with an Act approv ed May 1, 1928 , authorizing the con- Vol. 45, p . 475. struction of said bridge by the Cabin Creek Kanawha Bridge Com- pany, its successors and assigns .

Kan awh a Riv er . SEC. 2 . The State of West Virginia, by its State bridge commission, we st Virg inia ma y is authorized to acquire the right to construct maintain and opera te bridge, at i 5, p473 . lb ans a bridge over the Kanawha River at Saint Albans in said State and the approaches t hereto under an Act approve d May 1, 1928 , author- izing the Saint Albans Nitro Bridge Company, its successors and assi gns, to cons truc t, m aint ain, and ope rate sai d br idge , and said bridge shall be a lawful structure if constructed in accordance with the plans and location approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War under dates of May 14, 1928, and May 19, 1928, resp ecti vely , an d in acc orda nce with the las t-me ntio ned Act . SEC. 3 . Both of said bridges shall be subject to the conditions and construction. limitations of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction Vol.34,p.84. of bridges over navigable wat ers," approved March 23, 19 06, other than those requiring the approval of plans, specifications, and loca- tion by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War before the commencement of construction . SEc. 4. The times for commencing and completing the construction - Times for commenc- of the said bridge at or near Saint Albans are hereby extended one ing and completing. and three years, respectively, from the date of approval hereof . SEc. 5. If tolls are charged for the use of said bridges, the rates Rates of t oll appli ed of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the iuna e~ti on, sinki ng reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating the bridges under economical management and to provide a sinking fund suffi-