Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1289

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POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. Dl'cl'mber 15, 19~O. January 15, 1931. 2897 sacks containing nothing but C. O. D . articles, the letters "C. O . D." or the word "Rembourse- ment" being entered very con- spicuously in the documents cover- ing them, as well as on the labels of the sacks. 2. Such parcels will be listed in separate bills to show, with respect to each parcel, the C. O. D. number and post office and state of origin and the C. O . D. charges. 3. Upon receipt of a dispatch of C. O . D . parcels, at the exchange office of the country of destina- tion, the dispatch must be care- fully checked and otherwise treat- ed as provided in Article XIV of the Convention of July 3-August 16, 1928. Article VIII. The offices of N ew York and Budapest shall be the only ones to send lists of C. O. D. money orders, and such money orders shall be listed separately from the ordinary: money orders and the list shall be marked "Collect on Delivery" or "Remboursement." Article IX. 1. The C. O . D. money orders which have not been paid to the payee for any reason shall be sub- Ject to the disposition of the Ad- ministration of the country of origin of the articles to which they relate. "'~hen it appears that the C. O . D. service was used in furtherance of a scheme to de- fraud, payment of the money orders in question will be with- held, if practicable, and the or- ders disposed of in accordance with the equities of each case under the rules and regulations of the country of origin of the C. O . D . parcels involved. 2. As for other formalities, C. O. D . money orders shall be sub- ject to the provisions governing the money order exchange be- tween the two coun~ries. jan kiilon zsakokban tortenik, amely zsakok csak utanveteles csomagokat tartalmazhatnak; a "C. O. D." betiiket vagy a "Remboursement" sz6t a vonat- koz6 okmanyokban es a zsakfiigg: venyeken szembeotl(Sen fel kell tiintetni. 2. llyen csomagokat kiilon ro- .Separat~ listing of vatlapban kell rovatolni es pedig MIs required. minden csomagot kiilon, feltiintet- ve az utanveteli szamot, a fel- vevlS postahivatalt, a szarmazasi orszagot es az utanveteli dijakat. 3. Utanveteles csom~okat tar- Check by office of al 6'I b'"k exchange. tmaz zarate~rezseutana rendettetesi orszag kicserellS hiva- tala a zarlatot pontosan feliilvizs- galja es egyebkent az 1928. evi Vol.45, p. 2689. julius 3-augusztus 16-iki szerzo- des XIV. cikkenek ertelmeben kezeli. VIII. Cikk. E~ediil a new-yorki es buda- pestl kicserellS hivatalok vannak feljogositva utanveteles utalva- nyokr61 jegyzeket kiildeni; ezekbe a jegyzekekbe az utanveteli utal- vanyokat a kozonseges utalva- nyokt61 elkiilonitve kell bejegyez- m es a. jegyzeket II Collect on De- livery" vagy II Remboursement" felirassal kell ellatni. IX. Cikk . Designated offices. Disposition of unpaid Azokat az utanveteles utalva- orders. nyokat, amelyeket valamilyen okb61 a cimzettnek nem lehetett kifizetni, az utanveteles kiilde- menyt felvevlS orsz8g igazgatasa- nak rendelkezesere kell bocsatani. Ha megallapitjak, hogy az utanve teli szolgalatot csalard celokra hasznaltak, a kerdeses postautal- vany kifizeteset-ha lehetseges- vissza kell tartanies az eset koriil- menyeihez kepest az utanveteles kiildemenyt felvevlS orszag Wr- venyei e8 szabaIyai ertelmeben kell elj arni. Provisions for other 2. Az egyeb alakisagok tekin- formalities. teteben az utanvetelcs utalva- nyokra a ket orszag kozott lev6 postautalvanyforgalom szabalyai nyernek alkalmazast.