Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/909

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8. 1927. January 30. 1928. 2517 PROTOCOL CONCERNING THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE IN- TERNATIONAL CONVEN- TION OF NOVEMBER 8th, 1927, FOR THE ABOLITION OF IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS AND RE- STRICTIONS AND OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT TO THE SAID CONVENTION OF JULY 11th, 1928. The undersigned, being duly authorised and met at Paris at the invitation of the Secretary- General of the League of N a- tions, in conformity with the provisions of Article 17 of the International Convention for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions signed at Geneva on November 8th, 1927, and of Articles C and D of the Supplementary Agree- ment to the said Convention signed at Geneva on July 11th, 1928; Having noted that the instru- ments of ratification were de- posited by their respective Gov- ernments within the time-limit provided for in the aforesaid Article C of the Supplementary Agreement, except in the case of Germany, on behalf of whom this deposit was not effected until November 23rd, 1929, and except in the case of Norway who has not yet carried out this formality; Taking note of the annexed declaration made by the delegate of Norway; Noting that certain of the conditions for the entry into force of the Convention and of PROTOCOLE Protocol. CONCERNANT LA MISE EN fo~~ggTarmstroBot (talk)vTarmstroBot (talk)n~f YIGUEUR DE LA CONVEN- TION INTERNATIONALE DU 8 NOVEMBRE 1927 POUR L'ABOLITION DES PROHIBITIONS ET RES- TRICTIONS A L'IMPOR- TATION ET A L'EXPOR- TATION, ET DE L'ACCORD COMPL~MENTAIRE DU 11 JUILLET 1928 A LADITE CONVENTION. Les soussignes, dllment au- torlc,es et reunis a Paris sur convocation du Secretaire ge- neral de la Societe des Nations, conformement aux dispositions de I'article 17 de la Convention internationale pour l'abolition (tes prohibitions et restrictions a l'importation et a l'exportation, signee u. Geneve Ie 8 novembre 1927, . et des articles C et D de l'Accord complementaire a ladite Convention, signe a Geneve Ie 11 juillet 1928; Apres avoir constate que Ie depot des instruments de ratifica- tion a ete efi'ectue par leurs Gouvernements respectifs dans Ie delai prevu par Ie susdit article C de I'Accord compIe- mentaire, sauf en ce qui concerne l'Allemagne, au nom de Iaquelle ce depot n'a ete efi'ectue que Ie 23 novembre 1929, et sauf en ce qui concerne Ia Norvege, Iaquelle n'a pas encore procede a cette formalite; Prenant acte de Ia declaration ci-annexee faite par Ie deIegue de Ia Norvege; Constatant que certaines des conditions pour Ia mise en vigueur de Ia Convention et de I'Accord Preamble. A me, p. 2476.