Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/910

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2518 IMPORT AND EXPOHT PROHIBITIOXS. ~<lv"mbf>r 8. 1!l27 . Jl\lJunry :10, 1!,:!.,. the Supplementary Agreement mentioned above as defined in Article 17 of the Convention have not been fulfilled; Noting furthermore that it is not possible at the moment to ful- fil these conditions; Being anxious nevertheless that the above-mentiolled Convention and Supplementary Agreement should be put into force between the countries they represent, and hoping that the said conditions will be realised in the near future; Have agreed to the following provisions: Ratification of Ger- 1. The German GovernmeDt's many. Of Norway. Of Czechoslovakia and Poland. Etlective date. In the case of Hun· gary. ratification shall be regarded, ex- ceptionally; as having the same effect as if it had been deposited before September 30th, 1929. 2. The forthcoming ra.tification announced by the Norwegian Government shall be regarded, exceptionally, as having the same effect as if it had been deposited before September 30th, 1929. 3. If ratificat.ions on behalf of Czechoslovakia and Poland are deposited before May 31st, 1930, they shall be regarded, exception- ally, as having the effect as if they had been deposited before September 30th, 1929. 4. The Convention shall be put into force on January 1st, 1930, by the countries on whose behalf the present Protocol is signed. In the case of Hungary, the Convention will be put into force in the manner stated in the annexed declaration by the Hun- garian delegate. complcmentaire ci-dessus vises, telles qu'eHes ~ont definies a l'article 17 de la Convention, n'ont pas ete realisees; Constatant, d'autre part, qu'il n'est momentanement pas pos- sible de realiser ces conditions; Desireux de mettre neanmoins la Convention et I'Acco:d com- plementaire precites en vigueur entre les Etats qu'ils representent, avec l'cspoir d'une realisation prochaine des susdites conditions, Sont convenus des dispositions suivstntes: 1. La ratification du Gouveme- ment allemand est consideretl, a titre exceptionnel, comme aYllnt les memes effets que si Ie depot en avait ete effectue avant Ie 30 septembre 1929. 2. La ratification ulterieure an- noncee par Ie Gouvernement nor- vegien sera consideree, a titre ex- ceptionnel, comme ayant IeCi memes effets que si Ie depot en avait ete effectue avant Ie 30 septembr\3 1929. 3. Les ratifications qui seraient eventuellement deposees au nom de la Pologne et de la Tcheco- slovaquie avant Ie 31 mai 1930 seront considerees, a titre ex- ceptionnel, comme ayant les memes effets que si Ie depot en avait ete effectue avant Ie 30 septembre 1929. 4. La Convention sera. mise en vigueur Ie 1er janvier 1930 par les Etats au nom desquels Ie present Protocole est signe. En ce qui concerne la Hongrie, la mise en vigueur de la Conven- tion s'effectuera de la. maniere qui est indiquee dans la declara- tion ci-annexee du deIegue de cet Etat.