Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/144

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 125. APRIL 22, 1932 . naval petroleum reserves ; and for every othe r exp ense i ncide nt thereto, including supplies, equipment, expenses of travel and sub- sistence, the co nstruction, main tenance, and rep air of necessary camp buildings and appurtenances thereto, $225,000, of which amount not to exceed $40,000 may be expended for personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia ; tin s nt wc h ina pig_ During the fiscal year 1933 the head of any department or inde- mencs, etc ., by the pendent establishment of the Government having funds available for bores°' scientific and technical investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Geological Survey on scientific and technical investigations within the scope of the functions of that bureau and which it is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, transfer to the Geologi- Credit of funds . cal Survey such sums as may be necessary to carry on such investiga- tions. The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer on the books of the Tr easur y Dep artmen t any sums which may be au thoriz ed he re- under, and such amounts shall be placed to the c redit of the Geol ogi- pro vis as

cal Survey for the performance of work for the department or Expenditure of trans- establishment from which the transfer is made : Provided, That any (erred funds . sums transferred by any department or independent establishment of the Government to the Geological Survey for cooperative work in connection with this appropriation may be expended in the same Funds for coopers- manner as sums appropriated herein may be expended

Pr ovid ed tive work . further, That any funds herein appropriated for the Geological Sur- vey for cooperative work may be utilized prior to July 1, 1932, as required to enable the Geological Survey to continue its cooperative work pending reimbursement from cooperative agencies, the amount so utilized to be repaid to the appropriation from which advanced

Aerial photographs . During the fiscal year 1933, upon the request of the Secretary of War and Navy De- partments to furnish. the Interior, the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to furnish aerial photographs required for mapping projects, in so far as the furnishing of such photographs will be economical to the Federal Government and does not conflict with military or nava l operations or the other parts of the regular tr ain- Reimbursement. ing program of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps flying services, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to reimburse the War or Navy Depa rtment for the cost of maki ng th e phot ograp hs, such cost to be confined to the actual cost of gasoline, oil, film, paper, chemical s, and t he labor perform ed in de veloping the phot ographic negatives and the printing of copies of photographs, and the per diem expenses of the personnel authorized by law, together with such incident al expen ses as c are and minor re pairs to plane an d trans- portation of personnel to and from projects, and the War Depart- ment or the Navy Department, on the request of the Department of the Interior, is authorized to furnish copies to any State, county, or contracts with civic- municipal agency cooperating with the Federal government in the ians . mapping project for which the photographs were taken . In the event that the Director of the Geological Survey deems it advan- tageous to the G overnmen t, the G eologica l Survey is autho rized to contract with civilian aerial photographic concerns for the furnishing of such photographs ; Transfer of effects of Appropriations herein made shall be available for payment of the emp loy ees .

costs of packing , cratin g, and t ransport ation (in cluding draYage ) of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior ; Total, United States Geological Survey, $2,181,000 .