Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/152

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. I . CH. 125 . APRIL 22, 1932 . Legislative expenses . Legislative expenses : For salaries of members, $21,600 ; mileage of members, $9,500 ; salaries of employees, $5,200 ; printing, indexing, comparing proofs, and binding laws, printing, indexing, and binding jour nals, sta tionery, supplies , printi ng of bi lls, repo rts, and so fort h, $9,700 ; in all, $46,000, to be expended under the direction of the Governor of Alaska . Reindeer. Reindeer for Alaska : For support of reindeer stations in Alaska and instruction in the care and management of reindeer, including salaries of necessary employees in Alaska traveling expenses of employees, purchase, erection, and repair of cabins for supervisors, herders, and apprentices, equipment, and all other necessary miscel- lan eous exp enses , $3 4,300 , to be a vail able imme diat ely : Pro vid ed, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the payment of employees who are not experienced in animal husbandry . Care of insane .

Insane of Alaska : For care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including compensation of medical Pro"lava"

sup erv isor det ail ed f rom Pub lic Hea lth Ser vice tr ansp ort atio n, Payments to sanl- burial, and other expenses, $156,000 : Provided, That authority is tar ium co mpany

granted to the Secretary of the Interior to pay from this appro- Limit,

priation to the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, or to othe r cont ractin g inst ituti on or instit utions , not to ex ceed $ 564 pe r Return, etc., of per- capita per annum for the care and mainte nance of Alaskan insane s ons not Al ask an resi- patients during the fiscal year 1933 : Provided further, That so dents . much of this sum as may be required shall be available for all necessary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates and in returning those who are not legal residents of Alaska to their legal residence or to their friends, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, so soon as practicable, return to their places of residence or to their friends all inmates not residents of Alaska at the time they became insane, and the commitment papers for an ~' person hereafter adjudged insane shall include a statement by the committing authority as to the legal residence of such person . eating liquors . Suppressing intori-

Traffic in intoxicating liquors : For suppression of the traffic in uors .

intoxicating liquors among the natives of Alaska, to be expended unde r the direct ion of the Secret ary of the I nterio r, $1 2,000 . Alaska Railroad.

The Alaska Railroad : For every expenditure requisite for and Maintenance, etc . inc ident to the a utho rize d wor k of the Alas ka Ra ilro ad, inclu ding maintenance, operation, and improvements of railroads in Alaska ; Operation, etc., of maintenance and operation of river steamers and other boats on the ve ssel s.

Yukon River and its tributaries in Alask a ; operation and main- tenance of ocean-going or' coastwise vessels by ownership, charter, Additional facilities or arrangement with other branches of the Government service, for for freight transporta- the p urpose of pr ovidin g add itiona l faci lities for t he tr anspor tation tion. of freight, passengers, or mail, when deemed necess ary, for the benefit and development of industries and travel affecting territory tributary to the Alaska Railroad ; o per atio n an d m aint ena nce of agricultural experiment stations heretofore operated by the Depart- Damag e claim s ment of Agriculture on the line of the railroad

stores for resale ;

payment of claims for losses and damages arising from operations including claims of employees of the railroad for loss and damage resulting from wreck or accident on the railroad, not due to negli- gence of the claimant, limited to clothing and other necessary per- sonal effects used in connection with his duties and not exceeding $100 in value ; payment of amounts due connecting lines under traffic agreements ; payment of compensation and expenses as authori zed Vol.39,p. 750.

b y section 42 of the Injury Compensation Act approved Septembe r u,s.C., 7, 1916 (U . S. C ., title 5, sec. 793), to be reimbursed as therein pro- vided, $450,000, in addition to all amounts received by the Alaska Railroad during the fiscal year 1933, to continue available until