Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1555

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213. MARCH 3, 1933 .

1531 Secretar y of the Navy, s uch atte ndance w ould be o f benefi t in the conduct of the work of the Navy Department ; for mileage, at 5 cents per mile, to midshipmen, entering the Naval Academy while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as midshipmen and not more than $2,500 shall be available for transportation of midshipmen, including reimbursement of trave ling exp enses wh ile trav eling un der order s after appoint- men t as midshipmen ; for actual traveling expenses of female nurses ; for travel allow ance or for tran sportation and s ubsistence as aut hor- ized by law of e nlisted men upon discharge ; tran sport atio n of enlis ted men and apprentice seamen and applicants for enlistment at home and abroad, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu ther eof ; tr ansporta tion to their ho me, if re sidents of the U nited States, of enlisted men and apprentice seamen discharged on medical survey with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof ; transportation of sick or insane enlisted men and apprentice seamen and insane supernumerary patients to hospitals, with su b- sistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof ; apprehension Ap preh endin g de sert- and delivery of deserters an d stragglers, an d for railway gui des and ers ' etc . other expenses incident to transportation ; expenses of recruiting for Recruiting. the naval service ; rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same ; advertising for and obtaining men and apprentice seamen ; actual and necessary expenses in lieu of mileage to officers on duty with traveling recruiting parties ; transportation of dependents of Transporting de- pendents . officers and enlisted men (not to exceed $450,000)

expenses of funeral

Funeral escorts. esco rts of nav al p erso nne l ; actu al expenses of o fficers and mids hip- men whi le on sh ore-patr ol duty, includi ng the h ire of a utomobil es when necessary for the use of shore-patrol detachments ; in all, $3,430,547, an d not more than $744,794 of such sum shall be av ailable for travel by officers, midshipmen, and female nurses, of which latter sum $ 150,0 00, or so m uch t hereof as may be neces sary, shal l be available for travel by officers on inspection duty ; In all, for pay, su bsistence, and t ransportation of naval person- A ggregate- nel, $142,977450 , of which sum $1000,000 shal l be immediately available, and the money herein specifically appropriated, or trans- ferred from th e clothi ng and s mall sto res fund to this appropr ia- Accou nting , et c. tion a s herein authori zed, for "Pay, s ubsisten ce, and transpor ta- tion o f naval personne l," shal l be dis bursed a nd accou nted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund

Pro- fl d` •' medical vided, That additional commissioned, warranted, appointed, enlisted, detail for veterans' Admi nist rati on pa- and civilian personnel of the Me dic al Department of the Navy, tients in naval hos- required for the care of patients of the United States Veterans' pitals. Administration in naval hospitals, may be employed in addition to the numbers appro priat ed for in this Act : Pr ovi ded fu rth er, mteot sctiotc oNe d- Th at no pa rt of t his appropriation sh all be available for the Aca de my aft er Ja ne- pay of any midshipmen whose admission subsequent to January 30, a`y 30,1933 . 1933, would result in exceeding at any time an allowance of three mids hipmen f or each Senator, Represe ntative, and Dele gate in Con- gress ; of one midshipman for Puerto Rico, a native of the island, appointed on nomination of the governor, and of three midshipmen from Puerto Rico, appointed on nomination of the Resident Com- missioner ; and of two m idshi pmen for th e Dis trict of Columbia : Provided further, That nothing herein shall be construed to repeal t geor fr ome en lis ted or modify i n any wa y existi ng laws relative to the appointm ent of men no t aff ect ed . midshipmen at large, from the enlisted personnel of the naval serv- ice, or from the Naval Reserve : Provided further, That no part of men Sea u se rvice i app tutees this appropr iation s hall be availabl e for the pay of any mids hip- from enlisted men . man appointed from enlisted men of the Navy for admission to the Nava l Academy in the class entering in the calendar year 1934 who