Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1556

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1532 Main tenance . Freight, etc , de- partment and bureaus. Provisos . Use for purchasing table ware, kitchen utensils, etc ., for oil)- cers' quarter s ashore forbidden . Not available for transporting privately owned automobiles ; ex- ception . Limit on sum for Group IV (b) employ- ees . Na val , etc ., aisnurs- ing officers may use certain receipts for cur- rent expenses; account- ing . Clothing an d small- stores funds. Issue to Na val Re- serve, from . Evacuation of high explosives . Handling and tra ns- porting to ammunit ion depo ts. Vol. 45, p. 908. Bal ance a vaila ble . Ante, p . 433. Fuel, and transporta- tion of, etc . 72c1 C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 213 . MAR CH 3, 1933 . has not served aboard a vessel of the Navy in full commission for at least nine months prior to such admission . MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF SUP PLI ES AND AC COU NTS For equipage, supplies, and services under the cognizance of the Bu reau of Supp lies and Acc ount s, i nclu ding sta tio nery for com - manding, executive, communication, and navigating officers of ships, boards and courts on ships, and chaplains ; commissions, interest, and exchange ; ferriage and bridge tolls, including street-car fares ; rent of buildings and offices not in navy yards except for use of naval attaches and rec ruiting officers ; acc ide nt pre ven tio n ; s e rv i ce s of civilian employees under the cognizance of the Bureau of Sup- plies and Accounts ; freight, express, and parcel-post charges, includ- ing transportati on of funds and cost of . insura nce o n shi pments of money when necessary, and ice for cooling drinking wate r on shore (e xc ept at naval necessary, hospitals and shops at industrial navy yar ds), per tain ing to the Navy Dep artm ent and Nava l Es tabl ish- ment, $8,982,683 : Provided, That no part of this or any other appro- priation contained in this Act shall be available for or on account of the supply or replacement of table linen, dishes, glassware, silver- ware, and/or kitchen utensils for use in the residences or quarters of officers on shore : Provided further, That no ap propr iation con- tained in this Act sha ll be av ailable for any e xpense f or or in cident to the tran spor tati on o f pr ivat ely owned automobiles except on account of the return to the United States of such privately owned automobiles as may have been transported to po ints Outside of the continental limits of the United States at public expense prior to July 1, 1932 : Provided further, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation fo r employees assigned to Group IV (b) and those perf ormin g simi lar s ervic es ca rried under nati ve and alie n sch ed- ules in the Sche dule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department shall not exceed $4,925,000 : Pro- vided further, That, without deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and withdrawal on money requisitions, receipts of public moneys from sales or other sources by officers of the Navy and M arine Corps on d isbur sing duty a nd ch arged in th eir o ffici al accounts may be used by them as required for current expenditures, all necessary bookkeeping adjustments of appropriations, funds, and accounts to be made in the settlement of their disbursing accounts . The clothing and small-stores fund shall be charged with the value of all issues of clothing and small stores made to enlisted men of the Naval Reserve and the uniform gratuity paid to officers of the Naval Rese rve . EVACUATION OF HIGH RX PLOSIVES, NAVY Toward the handling and transportation of high explosives to the naval ammunition depot, Hawthorne, Nevada, and other points, and expenses incident thereto, in accordance with the primary recommen- dations contained in House Document Numbered 199, Seventieth Congress, first session, as modified by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p. 908), the unex- pended balance of the appropriation under this head for the fiscal year 1933 is continued available during the fiscal year 1934 FU EL AND TR ANSP ORT ATI ON, BUREAU OF SU PPL IES AND A CCO UNTS For coal and other fuel for submarine bases and steamers' and ships' use, including expenses of transportation storage, and han- dling the same and the removal of fuel refuse from ships
