Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1695

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xlvi INDEX. E Earhart, Amelia. Sec Putnam, Amelia Earhart. Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospi- tal, D. C ., deficiency appropriation Page. for care, etc., of indigent patients_ 529, 1605 Eastern Indians. See Cherokee Indians. Eastern New Mexico Not'mal School, grant of lands to__________________ 75 Economic Conrer~nce. See International Monetary and Economic Crnfer- ence. Economy Act of June 30, 1932: Furlough provisions- Per diem officers or er.aployees_ _____ 399 Officer or employee on annual basis_ 399 Restriction on pay reduction ______ . 399 Exemptions; approval by President; report to Congress. ___________ 400 Suspension of rights to receive annual leave with pay _____ __ _________ 400 Definiticns, "officer"; "employee"; "compensation" __ ______________ 400 Compensation reductionc- Vice President; Members of Con- gress________________________ 400 Congressional clerk allowance; ap- portionment; other employees_ _ 400 Schedule of reduction rates_________ 400 Exemptions_ __ ____ __ __ ____ _______ 400 Retired pay, reductions; exemptions; schedule of reductioll rates_ ______ 402 Special salary reductions- Members of special boards, commis- sions, etc_ ____________________ 402 Limit of aggregate amount of retired pay and salaries of judges______ 402 Furlough and eompensation reduc- tion provisions not applicable_ _ 402 Government corporations, application of provisions to offices and em- ployments under________________ 402 Constitutional officers, remittances from, authorized__ _______ ____ ___ 403 Appropriations, impounding of unex- pended_________________________ 403 Limitation on jurisdiction of court,s; constitutional questions__________ 403 Rural carriers' equipment allowance; reduction________ ___ _____ ___ ____ 403 Suspell'lion of promotions and filling of vacancies- Report to Congress________________ 403 Restriction on use of appropriations; exceptions; impounding of un- expended balances________ __ ___ 404 Compulsory retirement for age, exemp- tions; reappointments___________ 404 Economy Act of June 30, 1932-Contd. Pag•• Rate of r-ompensation upon which re- tired pay shall be based__________ 404 Travel allowances, temporary reduc- tions, Army, etc., officers; Mem- bers of Congress; postalservice___ 405 Travel allowances, permanent reduc- tions- Civilian officers and employees; rates_ 405 Snbsistence Expense Act of 1926; sec- tions 4, 5, and 6 repe!'Jed_______ 405 Section 7, amended; regulations governing the fixing and pay- ment of per diem allowances_ _ 405 Transportation of automobiles____ 405 Overtime compensation, rate; overtime work by substitutes; work for pri- vate interests___________________ 406 Retired pay- Limitation on amount aggregate; amount of and salary; "retired pay" construed; ccmbat dis- ability_______________________ 406 Personnel reductions-married persons, dismissals if personnel reductions; Civil Service appointments________ 406 Postal Service, temporary assignments authorized_________ ____ ____ _____ 407 Annual leave reduced to fifteen days; cumulative____ ____________ ____ _ 407 Sick leave of absence________________ 407 Furlough of Government employees, authority for; rules and regulations 407 Philippine Scouts, disbanding aut,hor- ized___________________________ 407 Printing and binding- Limitation on amount for; legislative allotment; apportionment to ex- ecutive departments, etc_______ 408 Amount of expenditures for paper; Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing__________________________ 408 Stationery for Congress____________ 408 West Potomac Heating PlanL________ 408 Shipping Board reorganization________ 408 Charges and fees- Government publications___________ 410 Patent fees; news bulletins; World Trade Directory Reports_______ 410 Bureau of Mines tests and illvesti- gations________ ____________ ___ 410 Bureau of Standards comparisons, tests, etc____ __________ ____ ___ 410 Annual reports_______ ________ _____ 411 Army and Navy personnel, restriction on t,ransfer_____________________ 411 Hides. skins and leather statistics, act requiring publication repealed____ 411 Transfer of appropriations; statement in annual budgeL_______________ 411