Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1696

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Economy Act of June 30, 1932-Contd. Vo~ational education, appropriation for Rate of interest on judgments and over- payments_- ____________________ _ Public buildings and improvements, authorization reduced; leases _____ _ Fees of jurors and witnesses; reduction_ Reorgrnization of Executive Depart- ments- Declaration of policy _____________ _ Definitions, "executive agency"; "in- dependent executive agency" __ _ Powers of the PresidenL __________ _ Saving provi<:lions _________________ _ St'l.tutory agencies; report to Con- gress ________________________ _ Executive orders; transmission to Congress; effective date_______ _ Consolidation of designated Govern- mental activities_____________ _ Report to Congress_______________ _ Consolidations effected- Steamboat Inspection Service and Bureau of Navigation_________ _ Personnel Classification Board to Civil Service Commission _____ _ International Water Commission abolished____________________ _ Radio Division, Commerce Depart- ment, to Federal Radio Com- mission _____________________ _ Interdepartmental work ___________ _ Veterans, Joint Congressional Com- mittee on; investigations; reportll; etc___________________________ _ Special Provisions- Separability clause; suspensions and repeam______________________ _ Provisi,)Os applicable to appropria- tion acts for fiscal year 1933 ___ _ Economy Act of March 3,1933: Sections of previous Economy Act con- tinued during fiscal year 1934____ _ Special-delivery messengers, Postal Service, status oL ____________ _ Retuedpay, judges ______________ _ Furlough period limited ___________ _ Transfer of appropriations for public works restricted______________ _ "Compensation" includes retired, etc., pay of Army, etc., enlisted personneL ___________________ _ Suspension of inconsistent acts___ _ Jurisdiction in suits ____________ _ Impounding of unexpended bal- ances _____________________ _ Reduction of annual appropria- tions _____________________ _ Limitation on reduction of annual com- pensation _____________________ _ INDEX. xlvii Page. 411 412 412 413 413 413 413 414 414 414 415 415 415 416 417 417 417 418 419 419 1513 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1515 1515 1515 Economy Act o. March 3, 1933--Contd. Annual leave provisions, applicability _ Deductions, legislative furlough ____ _ Administrative promotior.s prohibited_ Filling vacancies, compensation____ _ Restoration to former grade. __ __ _ _ _ Coast Guard personnel not included_ Annuity of officers, etc., reachiug retire- ment age on or before July 1, 1932_ Automobile and motor cycle allow- ances_________________________ _ Travel expenses, limitation__________ _ Saturday half holidays, employees of Veterans' Administration Homes, etc., excepted __________________ _ Foreign assignments of Naval, Military, etc., officers ___________________ _ Judgments recovered against United States, set-off of debts due_______ _ Interest rate, judgments and overpay- ments, under Revenue Act ______ _ Building rentals, restriction on_______ _ Reorganization of Executive Depart- ments- Declaration of standard ___________ _ " Executive agency" defined_______ _ Power of the PresidenL ___________ _ Saving provisions ________________ _ Agencies, winding up affairs oL ____ _ E1:ecutive orders, effective date___ _ Appropriations impounded________ _ Termination of President's power __ _ BureaH of Efficiency abolished; trans- fer of records; impounding of balances; effective date _______ _ Enlistment allowance to enlisted men suspended ___________________ _ Court of Claims, fees for services, etc_ Accounting and deposit_________ _ Articles~ etc., produced in United States to be acquired for public use; exception _____________________ _ "United States" and "public use" defined _____________________ _ Contracts for construction, etc., public buildings to contain pro- vision as to articles used ______ _ Exception when cost increased___ _ Contractors, etc., failing to comply_ Effective date ___________________ _ Separability of provisions ___________ _ Ecuador, appropriation for envoy extra- Page. 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1516 J516 1516 1516 1516 1517 1517 1517 1517 1518 1518 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1520 1520 1520 1520 1521


1521 1521 ordinary, etc., to _______________ 476,1373 Edgar, William F., acceptance of bequest of, by Surgeon General of the Army, authorized_ _______ ______ __ __ __ ___ 1420 Edgewood Arsenal, Md., appropriation for construction aL ______________ _ 718 Edisto River, preliminary examination of, ordered _________________________ _ 305