Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1697

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xlviii INDEX. Education: Page. Consolidation of governmental activi- ties relating to _______ .. __________ 415 Office of. See Interior Department. Edwards, Charles G., payment to widow of_______________________________ 15 Efficiency, Bureau of. See also Inde- pendent Offices. Abolishment of; records, etc., trans- ferred; balances impounded_ _ _ ___ 1519 Motor vehicles and boats, report to Congress on_ ___________________ 605 Egypt: Appropriation for- American convict prison mainte- nance ____________________ 487,1378 Envoy extraordinary, etc., to____ 476, 1373 Elbowoods, N. Dak., time extended for bridging Missouri River aL________ 134 Electrical Energy, tax on_______________ 266 Elephant Butte Dam, N. Mex., tablet at, by William Robert Smith Memorial Association, authorized____________ 53 E!ko, Nev., balance available for purchase of village site, etc., for Indians .lear_ 532 Elk River: Time extended for bridging, at Kelso, Tenn__________________________ 36 Between Lauderdale and Limestone Counties, Ala_____ _______ _____ 1416 Ellis Island, N. Y .: Appropriation for repairs, etc., immigra- tion station _________________ 521, 1410 Hospitals, use of, by Public Health SCrvice _____________________ 591,1500 Embassies. See Foreign Service. Emergency Officers, Retired List, ap- portionment of retired pay _________ 164 Emergency Relief and Constructian Act of 1932: Citation of Act_________ ____ _________ 709 Sum authorized, Reconstructifln Fi- nance Corporation funds; limita- tion to a State, etc______________ 709 Available two years_______________ 710 Interest; reimbursement; recovery in defaulL ______ ______ _________ 710 Terms on loans to Puerto Rico, Alaska_______________________ 710 Applications by governors; administra- tion of funds; disbursement state- ments_________________________ 710 Not deniable by certain inhibitions__ 710 Payment on approvaL _ _ _ _________ 711 Terms to municipalities, etc.; separa- tion of amounts_______________ 711 "Territory" defined____ __ ___ ______ 711 Emergency Relief and Construction Act Page. of 1932-Continued. Loans by Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration; powers enlarged________ 711 Self-liquidating project defined_ _ _ _ _ 712 Restrictions; convict labor; hours of employment; ex-service men preference_____ __________ __ ___ 712 Puerto Rico and Alaska. included in provisions____ _____ ______ __ __ _ 712 Monthly reports to Presid€' and Congress____ _________________ 712 Financing agricultural prod' ~ts sales in foreign countries; restrictions_ 712 Aiding agricultural marketing, etc_ _ 712 Regional agricultural credit corpora- tion; establishment; operation_ _ 713 Security required; foreign securities as collateraL_________________ 713 Maturity; loans up to January 23, 1934; no commission to be charged______________________ 713 Railroad loans subject to approval by Interstate Commerce Com- mission__ ___ __ ________ ______ _ 714 Amendments, Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act- Limitation on advances modified____ 714 Restriction on existing projects re- moved_______________________ 714 Reports, records, etc., available_____ 714 Outstanding obligations, increase authorized___________________ 714 Advance~ to farmers_ _ _ ________ ___ 714 Benefits extended to Territories, etc_ 714 Restriction on loans to institution with officer a director of corpora- tion_________________________ 715 Board of directors; composition modi- fied;terms___________________ 715 Secretary of Treasury to market obligations; crediting of proceeds 715 Discounting in exigency; restrictions_ 715 Loans to banks; closed savings banks included_____________________ 715 Public works, appropriation for emer- gency construction oL___________ 716 Military posts, etc., appropriation authorized for cODstruction_____ 720 Restriction on expenditure in Dis- trict of Columbia_____________ 722 Federal Highway Act, amendment; additional mileage construction___ 722 Acquisition of sites for emergency con- struction; proposals; title bef0re finaljudgment__________________ 722 Service on occupants of premises; eviction; condemnation proceed- ings_________________________ 723