Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/384

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360 Tran sportati on . Proviso . Car fares, etc ., lowed . Manual, etc., tra in- Fu el, F uel, lig ht, and power. Furniture. Eq uip ping

des ig- na ted scho ol b uild ings . Available until June 30, 1934. Contingent expenses, etc . Proviso. No bond required for Army supplies to ca- dets . Purchases subject to approval of Commis- sioners , etc . Sup plie s to pu pils . Vol.46,p. 62. Kind ergarten s . Supplies for physics, etc ., departments. School gardens. Nature study, etc., teachers . Children of Army, Navy, ete., officers, admitted free. 72d CO NGRESS . SESS . I. OR. 308. JUNE 29, 1932. For transportation for pupils attending schools for tubercular pupils and for pupils attending schools for crippled upils, $20,000 : al. Provided, That expenditures for street-car and bus fares, from this fund shall not be subject to the general limitations on the use of street-car and bus fares covered by this Act . For purchase and repair of furniture, tools, machinery, material, and books and apparatus to be used in connection with instruction in manual and vocational trai ning, and incidental expenses con . nect ed the rewith , $75, 000, to be immedi ately availa ble . For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $295,000 . I So in original FURNITURE For completely furnishing and eq~nipping buildings and additions to buildings, as follows : Douglass-Simmons School $6 440 ; Harri- son School, $6,440 ; Giddings School, $9 769 ; Taft Junior High School, $38,627 ; Crummell School, $830 ; 1cenilworth School, $1,385 ; in all, $63,491, to be immediately available and to continue available until June 30, 1934 . For furniture and equipment, including pianos and window shades, for the Roosevelt High School $165,000 . For contingent expenses, including furniture and repairs of same, stationery, ice, United States flags, paper towels and other neces- sary items not otherwise provided for, and including not exceeding $8,000 for books of reference and periodicals, not exceeding $1,500 for replacement of pianos at an average cost of not to exceed $300 each, not exceeding $5,000 for labor, $165,000 to be immediately available : Provid, That a bond shall not be required on account of military supplies or equipment issued by the War Department for military instruction and practice by the students of high schools in the Distr ict of C olumb ia . No money appropriated in this Act for the purchase of furniture and equipment for the public schools of the District of Columbia shall be expended unless the requisitions of the Board of Education therefor shall be approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the purchasing officer and the auditor for the Dis- trict of Columbia acting for the commissioners . For textbooks and other educational books and supplies, as auth- orized by the Act of January 31, 1930 (46 Stat ., p. 62), including not to exceed $7,000 for personal services, $200,000, to be immediately available . For maintenace 1 of kindergartens, $7,000, to be immediately avail- able. For purchase of apparatus, fixtures, specimens, technical books, and for extending the equipment and for the maintenance of lab- oratories of the department of physics, chemistry, biology, and gen- eral science in the several high and junior high schools and normal schools, and for the installation of the same, 16,500, to be immedi- ately available . For utensils, material, and labor, for establishment and mainte- nance of school gardens, including rent of grounds $3,140 . The Board of Education is authorized to designate the months in which the ten salary payments now required by law shall be made to teachers assigned to the work of instruction in nature study and school gardens . The children of officers and men of the United States Army Navy, and Marine Corps, and children of other employees of the ICTni ted States stationed outside the District of Columbia shall be admitted to the public schools without payment of tuition .