Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/396

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372 Repairs, etc . Motor truck . Children's tubercu- losis sanatorium . Cons truct ion, e tc . Oalliuger Ilospital . Personal services .

Salaries : For personal services, including not to ex ceed $2,00 0 for temporary labor, $358,620 . For maintenance of the hospital ; for maintenance of the quaran- tine s tatio n, sm allpo x hosp ital, and public crem atori um, in cludi ng expenses incident to furnishing proper containers for the reception, burial and identification of the ashes of all human bodies of indigent persons that are cremated at the public crematorium and, remain uncl aim ed a fter twe lve mont hs f rom the date of such cre mat ion ; for maintenance and purchase of horses and horse-drawn vehicles ; for medical books, books of reference and periodicals, not to exceed $500 ; for maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles ; and for all other necessary expenses, $200,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $7,000 . Purc hase of books, musical instruments and music, expense of commencement exercises, entertainments, and inspection by New York State Board of Regents, and other incidental expenses of the trainin g school for nur ses, $70 0 . Motor trucks .

For pnrclitoo and exchange of one-and-one-half-ton motor truck, and one-half-ton motor truck with pick-up body, $1,250 . (Contagious diseases For beginning construction at Gallinger Municipal Hospital of Wtl' "`l '

an additional ward building for contagious diseases, $250,000, of orstnurtion . which amount not to exceed $2,500 shall be available for the employ- ment of e xpert consu lting serv ices, by co ntrac t or otherw ise, and without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5), or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and the commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for such building at a cost not to exceed $600,000 . Maintenance, etc . Repairs, etc . Incidental expenses . It . S . sec. 3700, p. 733; LT.S. C.p.,131M1. Col.46,p. I(X)3


(' ., Supp. V.,p.i8. District Tr aining School . personal services, Maintenance, etc . Repairs, etc . Industrial home School for Colored Children . Personal services . Malntenance. 72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 308. JU NE 29, 1932 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, including roads and sidewalks, $5,000 . For purchase and exchange of one one-and-one-half-ton motor truck, $700 . For complet ion of th e erecti on of su itable b uildings and str uctures for use as a children's tuberculosis sanatorium on the site acquired for that purpose, including nurses' and employees' home, superin- t endent 's qu arter s, an d nece ssary appr oaches and roadw ays, h eatin g and ventilating apparatus, water, sewer, lighting and fire protection fa cilities , and ot her nece ssary ex penses, $240, 000, and the Com mis - sioners of the District of Columbia are authorized, from this appropriation, to provid e sup erint endent 's qu arter s and other' necessary structures by remodeling and repairing any existing structures now on the property . GALLINGER MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT TRAINING SCHOOL For per sonal se rvices, includin g not to exceed $ 1,000 fo r tempor ary lab or, $90 ,930 . For maintenance and other necessary expenses, including the maintenance of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, the purchase and maintenance of horses and wagons, farm machinery and imple- ments, $84,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, $13 .750 . INDUSTRIAL HOME SCHOOL FOR COLORED CHILDREN Salaries' For personal services, $38,260 ; temporary labor, $500 ; in all, $38,760 . For maintenance, including purchase and maintenance of far m implements, horses, wagons, and harness, and maintenance of non-