Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/489

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 330. JU NE 30,1932 . Virginia, and other Federal lands, as authorized by the Act approved May 29, 1930 (46 Stat ., .p . 483), including the purchase, issue, opera- tion, maintenance, repair, exchange, and storage of revolvers, bicy- cles, motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and ammunition, $12,000 . For all prin ting and binding f or the Of fice of P ublic Bui ldings an d Public Parks of the National Capital, $3,000 . Total, Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, $4,025,933 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS C OMM ISS ION 465 Print ing, etc . Pub lic

Buildings Commission. Expenses of transfer- ring offices, etc . For all necessary expenses incident to moving various Government departments, bureaus, divisions, and independent establishments and parts thereof from one building to another or moves within a build- ing in the District of Columbia in connection with the assignment, allocation, transfer, and survey of space, including the removal and erection of buildi ng partit ions, inc luding pe rsonal se rvices, w ithout reference to civil-service rules, at rates of pay fixed and determined by the commis sion a nd wit hout r eferen ce to t he Cla ssific ation Act provi so of 1923 as amended : Provided, That the money herein appropriated Reimbursing o ffices may be used for reimbursing the Government departments, bureaus, for expenses incurred . divisions, independent establishments, and offices for actual expenses incurred by them in complying with the orders of the commission ; to be expended on vouchers signed by the chairman of the commis- sion ; to be available immediately, and to remain available until expended, $100 000 . SMI THS ONI AN IN STI TUT ION Smi ths oni an In sti tu- tion . For expenses of the general administrative office, Smithsonian Administrativ e ex- pen ses . Institution, including an additional assistant secretary at $9,000 per annum during the present incumbency, compensation of necessary employ ees, t raveli ng exp enses, purch ase of books and pe riodic als, supplies, and equi pment, an d any oth er necess ary expen ses, $38, 644 . International exchanges : For the system of international exchanges International ex- between the Unite d States anal fore ign coun tries, un der the d irection changes. of t he Sm ithso nian Inst ituti on, i nclu ding neces sary empl oyees , and purchase of necessary books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $47,529 . American ethnology : For continuing ethnological researches among the Am erican India ns and the n atives of Haw aii, t he exc ava- tion and preserva tion of a rclia?olo gic rema ins under the dire ction of the Smithsonian Institution, including necessary employees, the preparat ion of ma nuscripts , drawing s, and i llustrati ons, the purchase of books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $66,640 . In ternation al Catalo gue of Sc ientific Literatu re : For the coope ra- tion of the United States in the work of the International Catalo-ue of Scientific Literature, including the preparation of a classified index catalogue of American scientific publications for incorpora- tion in the International Catalogue, clerk hire, purchase of books and periodicals, traveling expenses, and other necessary incidental expenses, $5,650 . Astrophysical Observatory : For maintenance of the Astrophysical Observatory, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including assistants, purchase of books, periodicals, and apparatus, making necessary observations in high altitudes, repairs and altera- tions of buildings, preparation of manuscripts, drawings, and illustrations, traveling expenses, and miscellaneous expenses, $32,094 . 3051 • -33-30 American ethnology. International Cats. logu e of Scien tific Lit - era tur e, Ast ro phy sic al Ob- servatory .