Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/591

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 390 . JU LY 2, 1932 .

567 quarter, east half northwest quarter, southeast quarter sou thw est Description-Conta quarter, south half southeast quarter section 18 ; all section 19; all secti on 20; all section 29 ; lo ts 1,2,3, no rthe ast qua rter , e ast half no rthwest quarter, northea st quart er south west qua rter, southeast quarter section 30 ; lots 2, 3, 4, southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter section 31, in township 2 south of range 1 8 west . Also lots 3, 4, 5, southeast quarter northwest quarter section 6, in township 3 south of range 18 west. Also west half section 21; west half section 22 ; east half west half west half section 23 ; all section 25 ; east half, west halt west half section 26 ; all section 27 ; west half section 28 ; south half northeast quarter, northwest quarter, south half section 33 ; west half southwest quarter, southeast quarter section 34 ; south half north half, south half section 35, in township 1 south of range 19 west. Also lots 1, 2, 4, south half northeast quarter, southwest quarter northwest quarter2 wes t half s outhwest quarter , southe ast quar ter section 3 ; all section 4 ; lot 1, southeast quarter northeast quarter, no rtheast quarter southeas t quarte r, south half so utheast q uart er section 5? east half section 8 ; all section 9 ; east half, west half west half section 10 ; north half, south half southwest quarter section 13 ; north ha lf, sout hwest qu arter so uthwest quarter s outheast quarter section 14 ; northeast quarter, west half west halt, southeast quarter southwest quarte r, south half so utheast quarter section 15 ; east half section 17 ; east half section 20 ; all section 21 ; all section 22 ; north- east quarter, west half west half, southeast quarter southwest quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter, section 23 ; west half east half, west half section 24 ; southwest quarter northeast quarter, south half northwest quarter, southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter section 25 ; southeast quarter northeast quarter, west half northeast quarter, northwest quarter, south half section 26 ; all section 27 ; all section 28 ; all section 29 ; east half east half section 30 ; east half east half section 31 ; all section 33 ; all section 34 ; all section 35 in township 2 south of range 19 west . Also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, south half north half section 1 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, south half north half section 3 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, south half north half section 4 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, south half north half section 5 ; lot 1, southeast quarter northeast quarter section 6 in township 3 south of range 19 west, all of Salt Lake meridian and containing 21,654 .68 acres, more or less. SE C. 3. If any of the lands hereby authorized to be conve yed Potash lands. by patent by the Unite d Sta tes in exch ange for p rivate ly ow ned Vol . 40, p . 297; Vol . lands s hall be found to be incl uded in any pend ing appl ication or 44 . ' pi s. Y p


c., p. 9sa; ~ap plications f or lease under t he Potash Acts o f 191( (40 Stat . 29 7 ; Su pp .V,p . 489. U. S. C., title 30, sec. 141 et seq.), and/or 1927 (44 Stat. 1057 ; U. S. C., title 30, sec. 281 et seq .), said lands or any part thereof may by any such applicant be re inquished to the United States, and any lands so relinquished may be patented to such private owners under the pro visions of this Act, and any suc h applic ant who shall ha ve so relinquished lands may be permitted by the Secretary of the Interior to select and apply for leases of other public lands believed to contain potassium and associated minerals and located in the imme- diate vicinity and of approximately equal value and area . In order to accomplish such consolidation, said Secretary may likewise grant leases of public lands believed to be valuable for said minerals, in exchange for surrender of subsisting leases or rights to leases, under said Acts. Approved, July 2, 1932 .