Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/660

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636 Agricultural Eco- nomics Bureau . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 443 . JU LY 7, 1932 . ing, publishing, and distributing bulletins, plans, and reports ; and for o ther necess ary e xpens es, i ncludi ng tr avel, rent, repa irs, and not to exceed $5,000 for the construction of buildings, $478,890 . T otal, Bureau of Agricult ural Engineering, $518,6 90, of which amount not to exceed $139,130 , may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS General expenses .

SALARIES AND GENERAL EX PEN SES Salaries, supplies, etc . F or salaries and the empl oyment of labor in the c ity of Wash- ington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses neces- sary in conducting investigations, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows Chi ef o oeeau, and For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $288,090. and rrmm ctiemean agement Farm management and practice : To investigate and encourage the adoption of improved methods of fa rm management and fa rm prac- Cos t •

tice $3 95,467 : Provided, That of this amount $150,000 may be used t of producing



y staple products .

in ascertaining the cost of production of the principal staple agri- cultural products . Distributing o ri ~ion oim Marketing and distributing farm products : For a cquiring and products, marketing, diffusing among the p eople of the United Stat es useful informa- etc .

tion, on s ubject s con necte d wit h the marke ting, handl ing, utili za- tion, grading, transportation, and distributing of farm and non- manufactured food pro ducts and the purchasing of farm supplies, Promotion of classi- including the demonst ration and promotion of the use of uniform fled standards .

standards of classification of American farm products throughout the world, including scientific and technical research into American- Cotton and by-pro- grown cotton and its by-products and their present and potential ducts research .

uses, including new and additional commercial and scientific uses for cot ton and its by-pr oducts, and incl uding in vestigat ions of cotton Vol .4(S,p. 24s. U.S. C., Supp. V, p ginning under the Act approved April 19, 1930 (U. S. C., Sup. V, . 52.

title 7, sees. 424, 425), and for collecting and disseminating in orma- tion on the adjustmen t of production to proba ble demand for the different farm and animal products, independently and in coopera- tion with other branches of the department, State agencies, pur- chasing and consuming organizations, and pers ons engaged in the marketing, handling, utilization, grading, transportation, and dis- tributing of farm and food products, and for investigation of the economic costs of retail marketing of meat and meat products, Proviso . of wool and $812,320 : Provided, That practical forms of the grades recommended mohair grades to be or promulgated by the Secretary for, wool and mohair may be sold sold . under s uch rule s and reg ulations as he m ay presc ribe, an d the re ceipts there from deposi ted i n the Trea sury t o the cred it of misce llane ous receipts . Crop and livestock

Crop estimates .

and livestock estimates : For collecti ng, compi ling, ab stract- Collecting, etc.,data . ing, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting, and publishing data relat- ing to agriculture including crop and livestock estimates, acreage, yield, grades, staples o f cotton , stocks , and va lue of f arm crop s, and Proviso.

numbers, grades, and value of livestock and livestock products on forbid n predi ctions farms ) in cooperation with the Extension Nerdice and other Federal, State, and local agencies, $785,020 : Provided, That no part of the funds here in app ropri ated shall be av ailab le fo r any expen se }n ci- dent to ascertaining, collating, or publishing a report stating the intentions of farmers as to the acreage to be planted in cotton .