Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/697

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72d CO NGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 482. JULY 14, 1932 .

673 for encouragement of the breeding of riding horses suitable for the Army, in cooperation with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Depart- ment of Agriculture, including the purchase of animals for breeding purposes and their maintenance), $202,500 . MI LITA RY POS TS For construction and installation at military posts, including the obligations . etc., United States Military Academy, of buildings, utilities, and appur- tenances thereto, including interior facilities, necessary service con- nections to water, sewer, gas, and electric mains, and similar im- provements, all within the authorized limits of cost of such buildings, ZaD 9gnated authori- as authorized by the Acts approved June 18, 1930 (46 Stat ., p . 781), Vol . 46, pp . 781,1014 . and July 3, 1930 (46 Stat.

1014 without reference to sections R.s, pp.

737..1130, 3734, 1136 and 3734Revis ed Statut es (U. S. C., title 10, see. 1339; title

?0s C:, pp. 219, >




1302,1303 . 40, sets . 259, 267), including also the engagement, by contract or Advertising. otherwise, without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., p .R733. S ., sec . 3709, title 41, sec. 5), and at such rates of compensation as the Secretary u .s. C.,p.1309. of War may determine, of the services of architects, or firms, or corporations thereof, and other technical and professional personnel as may be neces sary, $2, 250,000, which s hall be availabl e immedi ately for the payment of obligations incurred under the contract author- ization for these purposes carried in the War Department Appro- priatio n Act fo r the fis cal year 1932 . The unexpended balances on June 30, 1932, under the following tiff;indine °sa n t s' appropriations are hereby continued and made available until ex- Balance available . pende d for the s ame r espec tive purpos es, n amely : Barracks, officers' 46, p .18407 p . 330; Vol. quarters, and noncommissioned officers' quarters, $518,000, War De- partment Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1929, approved March 23, 1928, and subsequently made available for the same purpose at Marin County, California, by the Second Deficiency Act fiscal year Air corps, technical 193 1, a ppro ved Marc h 4, 1931 ; technical construction t!or the Air con struc tion . Corp s of the Arm y, $285 ,000 , Wa r De part ment App ropr iati on A ct, Vol.4s,p.1607. fiscal year 1930, approved February 28, 1929, and, ubsequently made available for the samE purpose at Marin County, California, by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1931, approved March 4, 1931 . Barracks, quarters, BARRACR8 AND QUARTERS AND OTHER BUILDINGS AND UTILITIES

etc . F or all e xpenses incident to the construc tion, ins tallatio n, opera - tion, and' maintenance of buildings, utilities, appurtenances, and accessories necessary for the shelter, protection, and accommoda- tion of the Army and its personnel and property, where not specifi- cally provided for in o ther app ropr iati ons, inc ludi ng p erso nal services, purchase and repair of furniture for quarters for officers, warrant officers, and noncommissioned officers, and officers' messes and wall lockers and refrigerators for Government-owned buildings as may be approved by the Secretary of War, care and improve- ment of grounds, flooring and framing for tents, rental of buildings, inclu ding not to exce ed $9 00 in the D istri ct of Colum bia, provi ded space is not available in Government-owned buildings, and grounds for m ilita ry pur poses and lodgi ngs fo r rec ruits and a pplic ants for enlistments, water supply, sewer and fire-alarm systems, fire appa- ratus, roads, walks, wharves, drainage, dredging channels, purchase of water, disposal of sewage, shooting galleries, ranges for small- arms target practice, field, mobile, and railway artillery practice, including flour for paste for marking targets such ranges and galleries to be open as far as practicable to the rational Guard and 8051°-33- 43 ° insnco hor breed . Mil itary posts . All expenses for con- struction,mainte- nance, repairs, etc . Rentals, etc. Water, roads, et c. Target practice, etc .