Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/801

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 22, 23. JAN. 26, 27, 1933 .

77 735), to those rights and privileges only to which they would have been entitled if they had not resigned from the retired lists of the Regular Army : Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall Amount of r etire d be construed to entitle any former emergency officer retired under pay . the Act of May 24, 1928, to retired pay from the Veterans' Admin- istration in a greater amount than when added to the retired or retainer pay received from the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps shall equal 75 per centum of the pay the former emergency officer was entitled to receive (except pay under the Act of May 18, 1920) when Vol. 41, p. 601. dischar ged fr om his commi ssione d serv ice as a Worl d War emerge ncy officer . Approved, January 26, 1933 . [CHA PTER 23 .1 AN ACT .Tannery 27933. Relative to restrictions applicable to Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in [A . R . 87'510.1 Okla homa

(Public, No . 322.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all f unds of Fiv e~•o ~dTribes and other securities now held by or which may hereafter come under Funds, etc ., of oar- the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, belonging to and es `ric ted i members declared only so long as bel onging to In diang of the Five C iviliz ed Tri bes in Oklahoma of one-half or more Indian blood, enrolled or . unen- rolled, a re hereby declared to be re stricted and shall remain s ubject supervision of ea- to the jurisdiction of said Secretary until April 26, 1956, subject penditure. t o expenditure in the meantime for the use and benefit of the indi- vidua l Ind ians to w hom s uch f unds and secur ities bel ong, under such rules and regulations as said Secretary may prescribe


n ~ on of restrl a vided, That where the entire interest in any tract of restricted and Lion . tax-exe mpt la nd bel onging to me mbers of the Five C iviliz ed Tri bes is acquired by inheritance, devise, gift, or purchase, with restricted Tax- exemp t la nds . funds, by or for restricted Indians, such lands shall remain re- stricted and tax-exempt during the life of and as long as held by such restric ted In dians, but n ot lon ger th an Apri l 26, 1956, unless the restrictions are removed in the meantime in the manner provided by law : Provided further, That such restricted and tax-exempt land maxi mum area . held by anyone, acquired as herein provided shall not exceed one hundred and sixty acres : And provided further, That all mi nerals Minerals su bject to including oil and gas, produced from said land so acquired shall be tavoi4a,p .496, subject to all State and Federal taxes as provided in section 3 of the Act approved May 10, 1928 (45 Stat . L. 495) . SEc. 2. The Secr etary of the Inter ior be, a nd he is hereby, author- Creation of trusts by Inel ign ized to permit, in his discretion and subject to his approval, any Indian of the Five Civilized Tribes, over the age of twenty-one years, having restricted funds or other property subject to the supervision of the Se cretary o f the Int erior, to create a nd establ ish, out of the restricted funds or other property, trusts for the benefits of such Indian, his h eirs, or oth er ben eficia ries de signat ed by him, s uch trusts to be created by contracts or agreements by and between the Indian and incorporated trust companies or such banks as may be authorized by law to act as fiduciaries or trustees : Provided, That Resrietion on p ay. no trust company or bank shall be trustee in any trust created under w ent of trustees fees . this Act which has paid or promised to pay to any person other than an officer or employee on the regular pay roll thereof any charge, f ee, commi ssion, or remunera tion for any servi ce or inf luence in securing or attempting to secure for it the trusteeship in any