Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1063

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PERSONAL STATUS~ ETC., OF NATIONALS-PERSIA. United States of America and Persia, exchanged on ~1ay 14, 1928, I have the honor, in the name of my Government, to make the following statement of my understand~ng of the results attained by our conv~r­ sations concernmg the questIon of personal status, held In conforIlllty with the stipulation specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2 of the said notes. Whereas Persian nationals in the United States of America enjoy most-favored-nation treatment in the matter of personal status, and, Whereas the said question will be definitively settled between the two states by the establishment convention, it is understood that in the said matter of personal status, that is, with regard to all questions concerning marriage and conjugal community rights, divorce, judicial separation, dowry, paternity, affiliation, adoption, capacity of per- sons, majority, guardianship, trusteeship, and interdiction; in regard to movable property, the right of succession by will or ab intestato, distribution1 and settlement; and, in general, family law, non-Moslem nationals ot the United States in Persia shall be subject to their national laws. If, however, with respect to the said questions, one of the parties should bring a matter before the Persian courts, the said courts would be obliged to apply American laws. In order to facilitate the task of the Persian courts in the above- mentioned cases, the competent American authorities shall furnish, in case of need, the necessary information relative to American laws. I shall be glad to have confirmation of our understanding on these points. Please accept, Mr. Acting Minister, the assurance of my high consideration. HIS EXCELLENCY )lIRZA FAT'HOLLAH KHAN PAKREVAN, Acting Minister oj F'ore'ign Affair8, Teheran. I HOFFMAN PHILIP The Persian Acting Minister oj Foreign A/fail's (Pakrevan) to the American Minister (Plnlip) MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE, TEHERAN, le 11 Juillet 1928. !-. fe referant aux notes arretant les dispositions provisoires relatives aux relations diplomatiques, consulaires, douanieres et autres entrela Perse et Jes Etats-Unis d'Amerique, echangees Ie 14 Mai 1928 fai l'honneur, au nom de mon Gouvernement, de Vous faire la declar~tlOn suivante sur la fa~on dont je con~ois les resultats auxquels ont ahouti nos conversations concernant la question du statut personnel, tenues conformement a la stipulation precisee dans I'alinea 4 du paragraphe 2 des dites notes. , Vu que les ressortissants persans aux Etats-Vnis d'Amerique joui~sent du traitement de la nation I plus fuvorisee en matiere du statut personnel, et, Yu que Iadite question sera reglee definitivement entre les deux Etats par la convention d'etablissement, il est entendu qu'cn Iadite matiere du statut personnel, c'est-A-dire, pour toutes les questions concernant Ie mariuge et Ia communaute conjugale, Ie divorce Ia separ~tion de corps, Ia dot, ~a paternite, Ia filiation, l'adoption: Is capsclte des personnes, Ia mSlonte, la tuteUe, Ia curatelle, l'interdic- tioD; en matiere mobiliere, Ie droit de succession testamentaire, ou ab ao:"ao-33 -PT 2 - -66 2653