Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1082

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2612 AIR NAVIGATION-ITALY. issued by the Italian Ministry of Aeronautics or by the authority designated for the purpose by the said Ministry in accordance with their requirements as to airworthiness. Certificates of airworthiness for export issued in connection with aircraft, aircraft engines, and parts of aircraft and engines, built in the United States and imported into Italy from the United States as merchandise, will, in like manner, be accepted by the Italian Ministry of Aeronautics, if issued by the Department of Commerce of the United States in accordance with its requirements as to airworthiness. The competent authority of Italy will have the TI~ht periodically to check and test the materials of the classes specified In the preceding paragraph after being brought into Italy for the purpose of ascer- taining their proper condition as to preservation and maintenance, according to the rules and regulations in force in Italy. Likewise, the United States Department of Commerce will have the right periodically to check and test such materials after being bruught mto the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining their proper condition as to preservation and maintenance, according to the rules and regulations in force in the United States. ARTICLE 10 It shall be understood that this arrangement shall be subject to termination by either Government on sixty days' notice given to the other Government, or by a further arrangement between the two Governments dealing with the same subject. I shall be glad to have you inform me whether it is the under- standing of your Government that the arrangement agreed to in the negotiations is as herein set forth. If so, it is suggested that the arrangement become effective on October 31, 1931. . Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. HENRY L. STIMSON COUNT ALBERTO MARCHETTI DI M URIAGLIO, Charge d'Affaires ad interim oj Italy. The Italia.n Charge d' Afflt'ires ad interim (Marchetti) to the Secreta", oj State (Stimson) . ROYAL ITALIAN EMBASSY SIGNOR SEGRETAIUO DI STATO, 14 ottobre 1931, anno IX. Ho l'onore di accusare ricevuta della nota del 13 corrente con Ia quale Vostra Eccellenza mi ha communicato il testo concordato dell'Accordo reciproco tra l'Italia e gli Stllti Uniti per l'amInissione di aeromobili civili nei rispettivi Paesi, H rilascio di brevetti di pilot!, e l'accettazione di certificati per aeromobili ed accessori impor- tati come merci. Tale testo risponde, a giudizio di Vostra Eccel- lenza, aIle intese raggiunte durante i negoziati, ora terminati, tra i due Paesi. II testo comunicatomi dull'Eccellenza Vostra e qui appresso ripro- dotto in italiano: AUTICOLO 1° Subordinatamente aIle condizioni e ulle limitazioni ~ui appresso contenute e stabilite, e consentito agH aeromobili civih italinni di circolare negli Stati Uniti d'America e, nello stesso modo, si per- mette agli aeromobili civili degli Stati Uniti d'America <Ii circolare in Italia.