Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1147

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LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-BELGIUM. the hull and superstructure of the vessel certificated have not been so materially altered since the issuance of the certificate as to affect the calculations on which the load line was based; and that alterations have not been made so that th&- (1) Protection of openings, (2) Guard Rails, - (3) Freeing Ports, (4) Means of Access to Crews Quarters, have made the vessel manifestly unfit to proceed to sea ",ithout danger to human life. It will be understood by this Government that on the receipt by the Embassy of a note from Your Excellency ., the effect that the competent authorities of the Belgian Government will recognize the load line marks and certificates thereof on merchant vessels of the United States, executed pursuant to the laws and regulations of this Government, as equivalent to load line marks and certificates made in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in Belgium, and expressing the Belgian Government's concurrence in this Govern- ment's understanding as above set forth, the agreement ",ill become effective. I avail myself of this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. HUGH GIBSON HIS EXCELLENCY MONSIEUR PAUL HYMANS, Minister oj Foreign Affairs. 2137 The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Hymans) to the American IiRel'OIDiUoD by B& Oharge d'Affaire8 ail interim (Mayer) um. MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES, BruxeUes, Ie 4- jetrier 1932 Direction Generale B. Section I. B ., Comm. No. C .24/354 MONSIEUR LE CHARGt D'AFFAIRES, Je n'avais pas manqu~ de porter A la connaissance de M. Ie Ministre des Transports les termes de lalettre de l'Ambassade en date du 7 octobre dernier, No. 708, au sujet de la conclusion entre les deux pays d'un accord provisoire concernant lalimite de charge des navires. J'ai l'honneur de vous f&ire connattre que les r~les et tables de franc-bord que rappelle l'art. 161 de 1'~t~ royal du 8 novembre 1920, formant reglement d'application de la 10i sur la skurit~ des navires, sont bien les regles at tables de franc-bord du Gouvernement franQais, aJ>pliqu~s par la Bureau Veritas et les regles de 1906' du Board of Trade britannique appliquks par Ie "Lloyd's Register of Shipping." Etant donn~ que Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis estime ne pas pouvoir se rallier A la proposition qui lui a ~t6 pr~sent~, d'appliquer en matiere de franc-bord I'accord de rkiprocit~ concernant la skurit~ des navires, conclu en 1922, Ie Gouvernement du Roi accepte l'ar- r~gement propos6 par Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Celui-ci aura donc un caractere provisoire et est destin~ A prendre fin des que les deme Gouvernements auront ratifi~ Ia Convention internationale sur les lignes de charge et que celle-ci aura ~t6 mise en vigueur.