Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/202

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180K INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. Legal remedies. 20 les allegations fausses, dans l'exercice du commerce, de nature A discrediter les produits d'un concurrent. ARTICLE IOwr. Les pays contractants s'enga- gent a assurer aux ressortissants des autres pays de I'Union des recours legaux appropri~ pour r6primer efficacement tous les actes ~ aux articles 9, 10 et 10bla • lIs s'engagent, en outre, a pr6voir des mesures pour per- mettre aux syndicats et associa- tions repr6sentant I'industrie ou Ie commerce inMresse et dont I'existence n'est pas contraire aux lois de leur pays, d'agir en justice ou 8.upr~ des autoriMs adminis- tratives, en vue de la r6pression des actes pr6vus par les articles 9, 10 et 10bla , dans la mesure on la loi du pays dans lequella protec- tion est roolamoo Ie permet aux synrlicats et associations de ce pays. ARTICLE 11. ti~~'rW~ d Lest paynfs co~tractta~lts al<;~~- exhibitiODl'. eron ,co orm.~men iio eur "'1?~- lation inMrieure, une protectIon tempora.ire aux inventions breve- tables, aux modeles d'utiliM, aux dessins ou modeles industriels ainsi qu'aux marques de fabrique ou de commerce, pour les pro- duits qui figureront aux exposi- tions internationales officielles ou officiellement reconnues, orga- nis6es sur Ie territoire de I'un d'eux. Rights of priority. Cette protection temporaire ne prolongera pas les d618.1S de l'art. 4. Si plus tard Ie droit de prioriM est invoqu6, I'Administration de chaque pays pOUITa faire partir Ie d6lai de la date de I'introduction du produit dans I'exposition. Proof of identity. Chaque pays pOUITa exiger, comme preuve de l'identiM de l'objet expos6 et de la date d'in- troduction, les pieces justifica- tives qu'il jugera nooessarres. (2) False allegations, in the course of trade, of a nature to discredit the goods of a compet- itor. ARTICLE 10 TER. The contracting countries undertake to assure to the na- tionals of other countries of the Union appropriate legal remedies to repress effectively all acts set forth in articles 9, 10, and 10 biB. They undertake, moreover, to provide measures to permit syndi- cates and associations representing the industry or the trade inter- ested, and of which the existence is not contrary to tl}e l~w~ of .their country, to take actIon m JUstIce or before the administrative authori- ties, in view of the repression of the acts set forth in articles 9,10, and10biB, sofarasthelaw0 the country in which protection is claimed permitsit to thesyndicates and associations of that country. ARTICLE 11. The contracting countries shall, in conformity with the legislation of each country, accord tem:t>0rary protection to patentable mven- tions, to utility models, and to in- dustrial designs or models, as well as to trade-marks in respect of products which shall be exhibited at official, or officially recognized, international exhibitions held in the territory of one of them. This temporary protection shall not prolong the periods provided by article 4. If later the right of priority is sought, the competent authority of each country may date the period from the date of the introduction of the product into the exhibition. Each country may require, as proof of the indentity of the object exhibited, and of the date of the introduction, such proofs as it may consider necessary.