Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/207

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INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. 1813 ARTICLE 18. La :pr~ent Acte sera ratifie et les ratifications en seront deposees a. La Haye au plus tard ae 1er mai 1928. n entrera en vigueur, entre les pays qui l'auront ratifie, un mois apres cette date. Toute- fois si auparavant il etait ratifie par six pays &:l moins, il en- trerait en vigueur, entre cas pays, un mois apres que Ie dep6t de la sixieme ratification leur aurait ete notifie par Ie Gouvernement de la Confederation suisse at, pour les pays qui ratifieraient ensuite, un mois apres la notifica- tion de chacune de ces ratifica- tions. Cet Acte remplacera, dans les rapports entre les pays qui l'auront ratifie, la Convention d'Union de Paris de 1883 revisee a. Washington )e 2 juin 1911 et Ie Protocole de cl6ture, lesquels resteront en vigueur dans les rapports avec les pays qui n'au- ront pas ratifie Ie pr~ent Acte. ARTICLE 19. Le pr~ent Acte sera signe en un seul exemplaire, leq uel sera depose aux archives du Gouverne- ment des Pays-Bas. Une copie certifiee sera remise par ce dernier a chacun des Gouvernements des pays contractants. EN FOI DE QUOI les Plenipo- tentiaires respectifs ont signe Ie pr~ent Acte. Fait a. La Haye, en un seul exemplaire, Ie 6 novembre 1925. Pour l'Allemagne: V IETINGHOFF. V. SPECHT. KLAUER. ALBERT OSTERRIETH. Pour l'Australie: C. V . WATSON. Pour l'Autriche: Dr. CARL DUSCHANEK. Dr. HANS FORTWANGLER. ARTICLE 18. The present act shall be ratified Ratiftcation. and the ratifications deposited at The Hague not later than the 1st of May, 1928. It shall come into foreel between the countries which will nave ratified it, one month after such date. However, if be- fore May 1, 1928, it should be ratified by at least six countries, it will come into force between those countries one month after the Government of the Swiss Con- federation has notified them of the of the sixth ratification, and for the countries which should subsequently ratify, one month after the notification of each of these ratifications. This lac~ shall replace, as re- 8U~ed agreements gards re atlOns between the coun- Vol. 25. P . 1372; Vol. tries which ratify it the conven- 32. P: 1936; Vol. 38 . , p.lM.5. tion of the Union of Paris of 1883, revised at Washington June 2, 1911, and its final protocol, which shall remain in force as regards relations with countries which have not ratified the present act. ARTICLE 19. The present act shall be signed acpeposit or original in a single copy, which shall be . deposited in the archives of the Government of the Netherlands. A certified copy shall be forwarded Certified copies to be by the latter to each of the Gov- furnlshed. ernments of the contracting coun- tries. In witness whereof, the respec- Signatures. tive plenipotentiaries have signed the present act. Done at The Hague, in a single copy, the 6th day of November, 1925; For Gennany: VIETINGHOFF V.SPECHT KLAUER ALBERT OSTERRIETB For Australia: C. V . WATSON For Austria: Dr. CARL DUSCHANEK Dr. HANS FORTWANGLER