Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/263

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EXTRADITION TREATY-GERMANY. JULY 12,1980. 1869 to, shall be dUly respected, and upon the request of the Govern- ment which has delivered up such articles, they shall be returned to that Government, provided that a reservation to that effect shall have been made at the time of delivery. ARTICLE X Re<J.uisitions for the surrender of fugltives from justice shall be made by the respective d!plo- matic agents of the High Con- tracting Parties. In the event of the absence of such agents from the country or its seat of government, or where extradi- tion is 8Ou~ht from territory referred to m Article I, other than the United States or Ger- many, requisitions may be made by superior consular officers. The arrest of the fugitive shall be brought about in accordance with the laws of the party to which the request is made, and if, after an examination, it shall be decided, accorc:limt to the law and the evidence, that extradi- tion is due, pursuant to this Treaty, the fugitive shall be sur- rendered according to the forms of law prescribed in such cases. If the fugitive criminal shall have been convicted of the crime or offense for which his surrender is asked, a cop]' of the sentence follo~ such conviction, duly authenticated, shall be produced. If, however, the fugitive is merely chtl.rged with a crime or offense, a duly authenticated copy· of the warrant of arrest in the country where the crime or offense was committed shall be produced, to- gether with the depositions upon which such warrant may have been issued, or such other evi- dence or proof as may be deemed competent in the case, or both. The person provisionally ar- rested shall be released, Unless within one month from the date of arrest in Germany, or from the date of commitment in the United States, the formal requisition for surrender with the documentary autgeantnJottd ~t, autUdgegdJen mu. ben, bomutge{e,t, ba& bd bet !ueant- mottung tin S8otbe~lt in bufn »litf1.. tung gemad)t morben ift. ~ttild X ~nttdge auf ?1u~liefetUng ri~ SHn. folQten follen bon ben bq,lomatifd)en &ttetern ba berttagfd)lieuenben @5taaten geftellt metben. @5inb fold)e &meter im ~anbe oba am »legit- tung~fiQe nid)t l)ot~nben, oba mitb bie ?1u~liefetUng au! eitttm aufiet~alb ~ i)eutfd)en »lei~ oba bet SBetri.. nigten @5taaten gelegenen @ebiete bet im ?1ttifel I beAeid)neten ~tt nad)gefud)t, fo liSnnen bie Ciitfud)en bon ~iS~en Ronfulat~beamten geftellt merben. ~ie ljeftna~me ~ SBerfolgten ge- fd)ie~t nad) gnaugabe bet GlefeQe b~ etfud)ten ~eil~. smenn auf Gltunb bet gefe,Ud)en SBorfd)rlften unb b~ sae- toei~gebniff~ entfd)ieben mitb, bafJ bie ?1u~liefetUng nad) biefem SBettrage gemlt~tt metben muu, foIl bei bet ~u~ liefetUng b~ SBerfolgten nad) ben fi1t eitten fold)en i}all botgefe~nen gefe.. lid)en SBeftimmungen berfa~en metben. Requisitions. Arrest. smitb bie ?1u~liefetUng eind 5Berur- q~~r8. etc.. reo teilten beg~tt, fo foIl rine ge~iStig be- glaubigte ~bfd)rift b~ Urteil~ botge.. legt toerben. 5IDitb bie Wu~liefetUng aut @5trafberfolgung bege~, fo fon rine ge~iStig beglaubigte ?1bfd)rlft ~ ~ftbefeQI~ bet SBeQorbe ~ ~anbet, in bem ba~ SBetbted)en obet SBerge~n begangen ift, l)otgelegt metben, unb Atoar aUfammen mit ben SBetne~mung~ptoto.. lollen, auf @tunb beten bet ~tbef~l etlaffen ift, ober mit ben meiteten SHemei~fti1lfen unb SHemei~mitteln, bie ie nad) ~age b~ i}all~ nottoenbig erfd)einen ober mit beiben. ~ l)otUiufig ljeftgenommene mitb q.!:le:: f~~=U: ftrigelaffen metben, menn nid)t innet. ~lb l)on rinem IDlonat, uub atoar in ~utfd)lanb l)om Xage bet ljeftnabme, in ben SBetrinigten @5taaten born ~age bet CiitiSffnung b~ SBerfaQten8 em ge- ted)net, ba~ formlid)e !u~liefmmg~